Jackie - 08/03/00 20:52:03
My Email:you know
Location: in your heart
I came to visit you today hon....I am just a missin' ya so much. Reading through your poems, I can see what yur last few years have been like. I can sense when you are sad....happy...anxious...
Thank you for letting me get to know you.
Felix - 06/24/00 01:49:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/felixkrt/
My Email:felixkrt@canada.com
Location: British Columbia
While your site takes a bit of time to load some pages - the Guestbook takes forever (youu should fix that ) .. I really enjoyed my brief visit. Nice job. Come see my Canada Info site when you can.
Bonnie - 04/26/00 00:40:42
My Email:bfrappier@yahoo.com
Location: Montreal, Canada
Very much enjoyed your site and loved the family history complete with photos. Keep up the good work. Will drop by again.
Bonnie - 04/26/00 00:39:01
My Email:bfrappier
shauna - 02/27/00 02:02:01
My URL:http://go.to/gardeningtips
My Email:gardenerette@home.com
Location: Nanaimo
nice site could you tell me other sites on minto n.b as it's hard to search for them, i keep getting all other towns called minto in other parts of the world, a friend told me what a nice place it is and it would be an advantage to look at some pics and
can't find ... any....thanks....stephen
does your local council have a site?
Brian Landry - 02/20/00 04:06:37
My Email:landelectr@aol.com
Location: East Brookfield MA USA
Your site has been well thought out.
I wish you the best
I lived in Minto along time ago and have many relatives there. Minto was a great place to grow up and your site showed me you can go back
Thanks Brian
terri - 02/10/00 14:57:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Deuces_R_Wild_2
My Email:deucesrwild@usa.net
Location: va
Thanks for the invite I've enjoyed my visit to your beautiful home I look forward to visiting you agagin soon
Just visiting around this morning and thought I would pay you a visit. I enjoyed myself
Hi, stopping by to extend a warm Welcome to RAOK. So glad you could join us. Hope you enjoy this family as much as I do! I have enjoyed visiting your beautiful site. Thank You for sharing.
I wanted to drop by and welcome you to RAOK!
Welcome TO RAOK. I know you will have as much fun here as I do.
shauna - 02/04/00 14:30:08
My URL:http://go.to/gardeningtips
My Email:gardenerette@home.com
Location: Nanaimo
What a wonderful and beautiful site you have. I have truly enjoyed my visit with you. Welcome to RAOK.
I wanted to welcome you to Random Acts Of Kindness and let you know if I can be of any help please let me know. I have had a wonderful visit here and hope you enjoy being a member of this wonderful group.
Just stopping by to welcome you to RAOK! You're going to like it here. It's so much fun.
Hope to see you on the message board! BTW.....I really enjoyed my visit to your web site!!!
Kind Soul - 02/03/00 06:20:36
My URL:http://listen.to/petra
My Email:kindacts@hotmail.com
Location: RAOK
You have a great Homepage & your daughter Christa is beautiful.My father also died in a car accident when I was 16.I hope you will drop by and visit my Homepage when you get time .I will be back to read more.
Wayne Frazier - 01/30/00 12:44:21
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/lwft64/index.html
My Email:lwf64@aol.com
Location: Michigan, USA
You have a very nice site! Loved all the family photos. I enjoyed my visit, and will return later on to check for updates.
I have really enjoyed your pages and learning about your home town and family.You are such a strong person to have had so many loses so young in life.You have a beautiful daughter,I really like your picture cube.That is the first one I have seen.As far yo
r heart on sleave,Wear it prouldly.I think those are the most loving kind people of all.Maybe some day I will get to visit Canada.My husband went fishing up there last year.He had a wonderul time.One of things I love most about the web is all the places a
d people
you meet.Thank you for sharing your site.
Phil - 01/20/00 00:34:06
My URL:http://www.globalserve.net/~pvdm/index.html
My Email:pvdm@globalserve.net
Location: Toronto
Excellent site. I will be back. I especially enjoyed your poetry. I made some myself. Greetings phil
L. Lanning - 01/19/00 14:05:34
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/3884
My Email:jalanningusa@netscape.net
Location: New Mexico
Your name was a good pick by your parents, and you
have done a beautiful job of putting your site together! I truly enjoy sites such as this that give a bit of regional and personal information, laced with good food for thought.
I talked to you for awhile on ICUII 1/9/00. I think you have a wonderful page. I have tried to make one of these but can't ever get things to work like I want. Take care and see you'll on the web.
Shirley - 12/21/99 13:13:03
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/SweetTasha/shirleysstory.htm
My Email:gizmo1@sprint.ca
Location: New Brunswick
Hello Bonnita, Just to say what a great site you have, so warm, friendly, and informative. I have been looking for a New Brunswick site to link to my "Canada" page.....look forward to hearing from you. Happy Holidays to you and yours !
Jackie - 11/11/99 04:03:55
My Email:our secret
It has been a long time since I have visited, Bonnita. Your work is beautiful, as always. See you December 27th!!!!
Laura Mc Milian - 09/21/99 20:22:33
Location: Toronto Canada
Who cares about you you're boring as hell. No one is interested.YOU SUCK
Laura Mc Milian - 09/21/99 20:20:09
Location: Canada
Who cares about you you're boring as hell. No one is interested.
Karen C. Stevenson - 08/21/99 03:17:38
My URL:http://acelebrationofnature.com
My Email:Celebrat@warwick.net
Location: Hainesville, NJ
I loved your page! You have a really nice site! I love chickadees, too.
- 08/16/99 20:18:16
Long time no see.......Soon the BH will be done and maybe I will again work on the page.....
Hope to see you soon.
Betty Ann Barton - 08/14/99 03:43:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SweetAngel2/index.html
Location: Westbank, BC--Minto, NB
Bonnie... I found your pages very informative and now as a visitor I can put places with the descriptions and pictures...
It is a wonderful website... I enjoyed it very much... love your sense of humour... and whoever did your photos did an excellent job... hehehehe... will check it from time to time to keep up-to-date...
love, Betty Ann... PS... I have included my homepage url http://members.tripod.com/~SweetAngel2/index.html
my page is to be updated soon (I hope)... check it out when you have a second... lol
Stuart the Maniac - 07/28/99 20:10:13
My URL:http://stumaniac.music.webjump.com
My Email:maniac@io.com
Location: Austin, TX
Heya! Cool page you have here! Drop by mine and sign my g'book if ya like! See ya! :-)
Haaaaaaaaalooooooo - 06/03/99 18:03:07
Haven't been in my page for sooooooooo long. Just saw your note from April. It will probably be fall before I can do much.......or.......maybe early July in Canada......
Take care......
Ralph - 04/07/99 01:31:21
My URL:http://wishIhadOne.com/SenorFrog_
My Email:Foolishjack@yahoo.com
Location: Laredo, Texas (South Texas, just follow the heat)
Now this web page is a good example of talent and dedication. Wish you well in any future construction plans you have for your page..
Marion - 04/03/99 23:36:36
My URL:http://www.online-club.de/~rp13493/index.html
My Email:malo@bigfoot.de
Very nice Page that you make, i will come back and write my poetry in your guestbook soon
Tiger - 03/24/99 04:16:44
Location: Bonnita's page
I am in vp and thought I better come here to say hi........hope your big day goes well tomorrow. Gee, I have not been to vp for such a long time. Fun memories......I have met good people here. Have to get back to work on our pages one of these days and fi
sh that story.....muaaaa
Jackie - 03/21/99 22:01:03
My Email:jackiemcgrady@multipro.com
Location: Tennessee
I come back here often so I can see your pretty face......and soak up all that love
Emil and Krystyna Jung - 03/19/99 02:09:28
My Email:ejung@niagara.com
Location: Niagara Falls Canada
March: 18 / 1999
thank you for being a friend of myne
Bonnita and hopping we can be Friends for a long time to come ICQ # 3450913
you have a gread Homepage and realy a nice wonderfull Mamily !
thank you for rendering your Homepage to me !
Truly Yours Emil and Family
Jim - 03/09/99 21:27:50
Location: Tn
I think you should add Grouse and Woodcock to your birds and animals section that live in New Brunswick.....
The page is still beautiful to visit...
Time for you to write something again....
Boo - 02/20/99 03:26:59
Dreams inside that will never be?
I think this is a new one?
Darren S A George - 02/07/99 23:28:02
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/madalch
My Email:darren.george@NOSPAM.ualberta.ca
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Nice page, but why do you have the New Brunswick coat of arms identified as the arms of Canada?
Desert Man - 02/04/99 04:01:45
Can't believe you guys have me writing short stories now. Gosh, what will be next?
Glad you enjoyed what you read tonight.
Thanks for your help in providing some of the words and the inspiration to write.
You know who.....Sorry you got booted on icq.
Smile - 01/25/99 21:01:50
Location: I have one
Things are as they are menat to be huh...
I like your new poem, and yes, we should get back to work on our pages......
Have a good evening.....
TomsCousinTom - 01/22/99 19:20:34
What comes from the heart, goes to the heart-thats how i felt as i read abt you. You have friends who love you, i heard that a friend is an extension of God, so i would say you have been blessed. Honesty is still the most attractive thing out here in lala
land, and thats what visiting your site reminded me of, thank you very much lovely lady-TOM
Special Angel - 01/20/99 04:11:52
Enjoyed our visit.......sleep well.......
Hope you slept okay in the water bed.
Smile - 01/19/99 04:43:12
Read your poems again....Sure do enjoy finishing the evening this way...You are a very talented lady....Hope you feel better soon....If not...Go to the doctor........smile.....
Special Angels friend - 01/19/99 04:34:04
I love visiting your page....Always leaves me feeling good.....You have so much talent and are so helpful to others. Make sure to keep working on it....Am anxious to see the work you will do on the page for friends.......muaaaaa L L L L
Jim Griner - 12/25/98 01:00:19
My Email:jgriner@primenet.com
Location: Yuma, Arizona, USA
Hi Bonnita;
Just a short note to tell you that your web page really looks nice. Forgive me as i'm not that great with words, but your web page/family section is great I really like it. You've got a great looking family that you can really be proud of. I'm proud to h
ve you as my friend and thank you for being my friend here on the internet. Again Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Your Arizona Friend
Jim Griner
Norm B. - 12/23/98 04:22:04
My Email:normanba@nbnet.nb.ca
Great stuff Bonnita...
I listened to your Christmas message...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too !
I enjoyed cruising your site...
Norm :-) :-)
erika - 12/20/98 02:02:03
My URL:http://www.key.net.au/~erika
My Email:erika@key.net.au
Location: australia
bonnie, my friend. HUG
its been sooo long and i am just wandering down memory lane. Gee, you have been busy here and it still gets better all the time.:-)Wishing you and yours a very merry xmas and an even better new year. may all your wishes come true in the coming year. HUG
Tiger - 12/19/98 03:06:33
Location: Tn
Had to say thank you one last time...
We received great news today...
Thanks for being my best friend....
Visited the new page for Matt and Christa...very nice.....So young and so in love......nice.....
muaaaaa L L L L
Jim - 12/17/98 04:55:24
Location: Tn
I cruised the family album and had to read a few poems again. Always nice to read your lovely writings Bonnita.
Thanks for the love you bring to all around you.
Its about time for you to add another poem I think. I will be waiting to read it.....
FUNKYDUDE - 12/05/98 09:40:12
Jim - 12/01/98 19:11:37
Location: Tn
Looking at your page from work....First time I have ever done that.....Late lunch and had a few minutes....
I like the little mouse under the e-mail box....
Hope you had a good day.....
Tiger - 12/01/98 04:13:34
Stopped by to see what changes have occured...You are an inspiration to those of us that are just getting started.....
Very nice page Bonnita....
Found that flag for me yet?
mikey - 11/28/98 07:46:18
well I am going to look around a bit---I am sure everything is quite nice---considering who did it and all---:-)
Jim - 11/24/98 03:30:32
My Email:jjmcgrady@multipro.com
Location: Tennessee
Your page loads even faster for me now...You went to bed like a good girl, so I am visiting your page for you.....
I went into your "music" page......I had not been there before...can you believe it....
I love it.......Well, garth is okay I guess.....
I think I now am motivated to write a song.....
Take care my best friend.......
Raghu Jamwal - 11/22/98 16:35:56
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Raghu09/
My Email:raghujamwal@homemail.com
Location: India
I can't belive I spent 2 hours browsing your site!!!!!!!!!I HAD to fill you'r guestbook(and it's the biggest one I've seen so far!!!)
Excellent information on Canada and New Brunswick.
And you'r poems are very touchy.Liked them all :)
One of the best sites I've ever seen.
Have a good day! :)
David Johns - 11/21/98 05:20:05
My Email:shagnat@gte.net
Location: South Carolina
Hey Sweetie!!!
I sure have missed you. I've been away from ICQ for a while 'cos of my new hd and motherboard, etc. wasn't doing right.... Plus my new girlfriend (well, she's the same one) and I are getting married!! Can you believe it??
I love your website...... you have done a beautiful job and you should be very proud of it!
Love ya' bunches and bunches and hope to see you real soon now that I've got my icq back..
Jim McGrady - 11/21/98 04:34:31
Went through your poems tonight. Love the new additions......Jim
ZoF - 10/20/98 14:02:01
My URL:http://www.goulburn.net.au/~rhodes/
My Email:rhodes@goulburn.net.au
Location: Australia
Nice page,
all the best from Australia
Leane Gallant - 10/12/98 22:39:38
My URL:http://www.geocities,com/heartland/estates/9591
My Email:leaneg@kanservu.ca
Location: ontario canada
hey there great page you have created! i enjoyed my visit! come byy mine sometime! (o: Leane :o)
Jim McGrady - 10/08/98 04:42:30
My Email:you know
Location: far away
Thank you for being the first to sign my guest book. That made it very special. It is late, but I had to respond to your kindness. As always, you have exceeded my expectations..If the urge ever hits you to visit, please don't surpress it...........hugs an
10/04/98 11:03:25
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
George - 09/26/98 01:50:49
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/3187
Hey I drop in to see how my canadian beauty is doing ;-) and as usual I find your pages very delightful and welldone......love George
David - 09/22/98 00:12:25
My Email:shagnat@gte.net
Location: Columbia, S.C.
I love ya' and your site :))
Alberto - 09/08/98 08:23:11
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/olympia/botham/89/index.htm
My Email:albever@tin.it
Location: Genova (Italy)
Very nice site !
Jimthelick - 09/07/98 03:16:14
Location: watching you
Miss Minto? I don't think you told me.....Please make sure I get a chance to explain the poem. Thanks hun........Jim the tiger
See ya tomorrow....Jim
Nancy - 08/24/98 17:44:11
My Email:cats4me52@webtv.net
Location: Virginia
![]() |
Thank you !
Wanda - 08/15/98 03:30:53
My Email:wmgrant@nb.sympatico.ca
Location: Minto
Hi Bon, Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your poetry. It is unbelievable. Really! You've sure put a lot of work into it.
mark/toogle - 08/10/98 00:39:18
My Email:mmelmore@enid.com
Location: oklahoma
just a lil note to see how the wedding went and to let you know i stopped by. i truly love your website. has to be the best one i have visited. hope to see ya soon. bye
Reta Rushton - 07/19/98 03:25:53
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ab/rushton/index.html
My Email:kmacneil@ican.net
Location: Calgary Alberta
Thanks for signing our guest book. I had to come in and check out your web site. You have done a very nice job on your pages. I must mention that you have a very beautiful daughter.
I have never been to your home town but it looks totally beautiful. I will make it a point to stop in there when we move back to the East.
Take Care
Steven H. Lee - 07/10/98 03:19:21
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~FirstContact21/index-2.html
My Email:firstcontact21@yahoo.com
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Hey, cool looking site! I'm going to come back
and spend some more time here.
Heather L. Long - 07/01/98 19:45:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/smallreflections
My Email:hlong@cadvision.com
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Bonnita - I was looking forward to reading some of your poetry, but when I go to the page all I see are beautiful angels. Where are the words? I dropped in after visiting Erika's page in Australia. Small world, isn't it. I, too, am a poet and I hope y
u come by for a visit to Calgary, and sign the guestbook. Best wishes - Heather L. Long - Calgary
Cathrine - 06/25/98 13:01:25
Just wanted to stop by and say hi.
Thank you for being part of :
Valerie and I are sitting here this morning Monday looking through your web page. You have done a lot of impressive work. Thank you for the stay. Ben
Margaret - 06/21/98 17:57:36
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/1246/
Location: Ohio
Well, one more time I stopped by to check out your page. I went to Christa's graduation. What a proud mother you are. She is a pretty girl and I see the resemblence. I followed the links and went to the letter you wrote for your son, and the poem for th
love in your life. The son letter, just was so touching, and I truly realize how you feel, and know it doesn't matter how little or how long we have them, we miss them all the same. Maybe Christa will give you some grandchildren in a few years and they
ill help to feel the void. God Bless!!!
Great site you have and I've enjoyed my stay!!
secret admirer - 06/06/98 00:17:30
Location: montana
oh --you are just to beautiful for words---from a secret friend>
Hi Bonita! Loved your page...I've been 'surfing' around like crazy today and fell into it somehow...hmm, I think through viewing a guestbook somewhere! =) I really enjoyed the poetry and of course, learning more about the east part of Canada! (I'm from Ma
itoba!) Please visit my page sometime! Would love to show ya around Manitoba! =) (see the 'about me' page) Take care! ~Stacey
Phyllis - 06/05/98 00:13:24
My URL:/HotSprings/Villa/3722
My Email:heartprint@geocities.com
Location: USA
Thank you for visiting my site and leaving flowers at my brother's memorial. I am sorry about your loss, and rejoice with you on your new life. Please visit Heart Prints again.
FSD - 05/30/98 21:59:17
My Email:FSD@Prodigy.net
Location: Connecicut
Dan Kiefer - 05/27/98 04:19:31
My URL:/heartland/pointe/2689
My Email:dwkiefer@hotmail.com
Location: San Antonio, Texas
I've been stopping by regularly but I haven't said hello in a few months. Hello! Great pages, as always. Your NB delicacies page makes me hungry. It's been several years since I've had fiddleheads. They're excellent. Thanks (a lot) for reminding me
hat I'm missing. I'll just have to be satisfied with cactus for now.
Margaret - 05/23/98 22:59:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1246/
My Email:matemple@erinet.com
Location: Ohio
Your page gets better everyday. Keep up the good work.
Very nice page I love it you did a great job!! thanks for stopping by my site as well!
Cathy - 05/18/98 17:02:42
My Email:marklebr@mindspring,com
Location: Georgia,USA
I just started getting into your page and got booted so hon,Im checking it our again,,,,,
Dave - 05/06/98 02:53:11
My Email:GRINS@cheerful.com
Bonnita ............
You really did a great job on your page ! ! !
Best of luck and ... Take Care ...
Mike - 05/03/98 04:54:00
Location: montana
You have done an outstanding job here Bonnita--you are a wonderful person so full of deep feeling.
It is a true joy to know you.
Hello :o) here I am again and I love your poetry !
Thanks again for submiting one to our poetry page :o) !
snapdragon - 04/28/98 16:24:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/SNAPDRAGON
My Email:snapdragon@jadeinc.com
Location: USA - Ohio
Hi...what a great homepage! Really enjoyed my
visit and learning about you and your home.
Thanks for dropping by my site :)
Dennis Fermaint - 04/27/98 17:36:40
My Email:dio1@earthlink.net
Location: Phoenix,AZ
I can't believe it....I never have seen one of these pages...I'm glad to have seen your's first..The page is awsome..Christa is very beautiful..You should be very proud..See Ya Later..Dennis
Pamila - 04/27/98 16:17:14
My URL:http://members.webstorage.com/pamilasdreamland
My Email:prdaniel@usit.net
Location: Tennessee
Beautiful graphics and poetry! And the music selection is fabulous! Come visit me when you can.
Erika aka Hummelchen - 04/24/98 21:03:43
My URL:http://www.key.net.au/~erika
My Email:erika_112@hotmail.com
Location: Australia
Bonnie, my dear friend. I am speechless. (and as you know, that it almost unheard of:-))))))) What a magnificient homepage.:-)))) Fantastic. You are truly an artist.:-) To think how much I had to push and nag lololo
And thanks for your visits and comments. always so much appreciated. Big Hug. Erika
Joanna - 04/19/98 04:51:05
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/1253/
My Email:kitkom@webtv.net
Location: Oklahoma USA
Thanks for visiting Black Rock Ranch. Really loved your site, and would love to visit such beautiful country. History of Minto was interesting. This part of Ok has history of Indians, outlaws and gangsters. Sure glad it's peaceful now. Come back and visit
Joanna - 04/19/98 04:28:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1253/
My Email:kitkom@webtv.net
Location: Oklahoma USA
Thanks for visiting Black Rock Ranch. Really loved your site, and would love to visit such beautiful country. History of Minto was interesting. This part of Ok has history of Indians, outlaws and gangsters. Sure glad it's peaceful now. Come back and visit
Jags - 04/17/98 19:45:17
My URL:http://www.egr.uri.edu/~putchalj/start.html
My Email:JagsPJ@AOL.com
Location: Virginia VA as of now
Hey Bonnita!! I saw your page and woohooo
nice appplet there of your Christie's pics.
And oh my!!! is she lovely or what!!
she is a cutie pie.
all the dudes must be drooling at her feet as of now.
anyways... hope to get an email from ya soon
Manoj Kumar - 04/11/98 09:35:55
My URL:http://www.cafeww.com/bats
My Email:manoj.k@poboxes.com
Location: New Delhi, India
Pretty cool page ! I'll drop in sometime soon
to check for updates.
Toolman2_ - 04/10/98 13:59:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Toolman2_/index.html
My Email:toolman2@webtv.net
Location: Mich
Awesome page I spent over a hour here!Keep up the
good work.
Toolman2_ - 04/10/98 13:58:53
My URL:http://members.trpod.com/~Toolman2_/index.html
My Email:toolman2@webtv.net
Location: Mich
Awesome page I spent over a hour here!Keep up the good work.
Johanne Craig - 04/10/98 01:41:59
My URL:http://web.idirect.com/~craig
My Email:johanne@idirect.com
Location: Mississauga Canada
You have a great page!!
Ray Vezza - 04/09/98 20:51:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/3366/
My Email:daddyboo@hotmail.com
Location: New Jersey
Yo, Bo, thank you for visiting my site. I have just completed a tour of yours and am I impressed. everything is kept so clean and simple yet beautiful. Great Canadian info too, thanks. As for Christa winning the beauty pagent...after viewing your page
and reading about her I wouldn't have expected anything less! You seem to have done a wonderful job raising and educating her and both of you are to be congratulated. Once again, a great looking site!!!
Edmund S. Chan - 04/09/98 08:25:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/7246
My Email:eschan@usa.net
Location: Manila, Philippines
Hi Bonnita, I really enjoyed getting to know your wonderful family and thanks for touring me to Canada! My wife has been to Vancouver on a business trip and I hope I can visit it sometimes too. Congrats to your lovely Crista for the beauty contest and tha
ks for visiting my site too. God bless. - Edmund
Bernie J.Sharpe - 04/03/98 16:37:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/santabclaus
My Email:santab@aracnet.net
Location: Toronto, Canada
You have done a super job on this site, very nice..
Many thanks for taking the time to stop by my site also,and I hope you will tell your friends also..Eh!
I've had such a nice visit with you! I got excited when I saw you're in New Brunswick - my father and step-mother live in Grand Bay (not too far from St. John). The photos on your Minto page are spectacular. We go to New Brunswick every summer; now I'm te
pted to visit your little town!
Dan - 03/31/98 05:19:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/2689
My Email:dwkiefer@hotmail.com
Location: San Antonio, Texas
I enjoyed your page very much. Your wonderful description of Minto brought back great memories of trips through New Brunswick while I was stationed with the USAF in northern Maine. You helped remind me how beautiful New Brunswick is.
Patti - 03/30/98 03:15:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~PattiCor/index-3.html
My Email:PattiCor@aol.com
Location: New York
Hi nice page .I like your poems.I would like you to come and see my pages that I have done.please take a peek at all of them and sign my guestbook.
Sharon & Batbat - 03/30/98 03:15:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9262
My Email:srbatbat@hotmail.com
Location: North Carolina, USA
Thanks for visiting Batbat's Place. Congratulations to your daughter for winning the beauty contest. Your poems are great too.
Maria - 03/29/98 15:33:06
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/5754
My Email:Breetai@ibm.net
Location: Clarksville,TN
Thank you so much for stopping by my page. After I went through your page and read all your lovely poems, I must say that being at a loss for words to comment on my page is quite a wonderful compliment. :) Anyway... thank you so much for sharing your lif
and thoughts with the world. You have just managed to make it so much nicer. I will definitely be back to visit again and again...
thanks for signing my page. i really like yours too.
Ken Pinkley - 03/29/98 03:17:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heart/Acres/5791
My Email:kpinkley@ohio.net
Location: Elyria, Ohio
Thanks for visiting me. You have a great page
Carson - 03/29/98 03:08:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/1845
My Email:cthompson@sar-net.com
Location: Canada
Just cruised in.........I love checking out Christian home pages and I've really enjoyed my visit here. God bless you as you continue to shine your light for Him! Praise the name of JESUS!!please visit my page and read about my story of tradgedy and th
n success through Him!http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/1845
Renee - 03/28/98 06:13:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1079
My Email:barconch@juno.com
Sounds like you have a very nice family and life.
I like the backgrounds on your page! They are neat.
Vicki - 03/22/98 05:40:49
My URL:http://key.net.au/~peaches
My Email:peaches@key.net.au
Location: East Coast Australia
Bonnie....we have a mutual friend...Erika. I am supposed to mention "treffpunk" so you will know who I am talking about. LOL I have looked at your homepage after following your efforts over the last few weeks, and I must say, you have done a wonderful j
b !! I am impressed !! I can especially connect with your poems, as I am a writer of sorts as well, albiet nowhere as good as you. I write about my life, family and friends, as you do, and I always thought that no-one would be interested. But reading
ours, I can take myself to realm of your thoughts. My ICQ number is 5753394 if you want to contact me. Hope to talk with you soon....TTFN
peter - 03/20/98 16:29:22
My Email:user974317@Aol
Mike - 03/20/98 15:10:10
My Email:mikpr@hotmail.com
Hi Bonnita---you did a wonderful job with these pages---you are very talented---Just wanted you to know I think they are wonderful
Petra - 03/18/98 17:58:56
My Email:chicco@kvnet.org
Location: Kentucky/ USA
Hello Bonnie,
I read a lot about you in Hummelchens Treffpunkt. Now finally I find out for my self who you are and what you do. I really love your Homepage its very good, just like Erika said. I will stop by more often now and maybe you really get brave once and but a
icture of yourself in the Page. Take care
Petra aka Klinsi in ICQ
Uli - 03/18/98 06:48:43
My URL:http://pages.vossnet.de/ibrahim
My Email:pflp@bigfoot.de
Location: Germany
Nice page! go on with it, and doŽnt loose your mind, like me somtimes....i use now the third monitor in 4 weeks....lol
Go on with it!!!
Scotsman - 03/16/98 19:35:40
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/munich/~scotsman/whiskyhome.html
My Email:wimmer@moving-people.net
Location: Germany
I although like you site! You really did a great job on it!
Bobby Burch - 03/16/98 08:30:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/3901
My Email:bobburch@writeme.com
Location: Gilbrt, Arizona
Loved your web page. The picture cube is fantastic. Great job.
George - 03/16/98 03:55:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/3187
My Email:soono7ng@flash.net
Location: Austin Texas
Hi, Bonnie, my canadian sweetheart ;=)). Come by to visit you again. Your website is getting better and better . Thanks for putting a link to my page and one favour....change the name to George's Sculpture and Poems .
Margaret (BabyAnn) - 03/14/98 18:24:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1246/
My Email:matemple@erinet.com
Location: Ohio
I really like your Homepage. I read some of your poetry and it is very moving. Seems we do have some things in common. It's interesting to see the different pages and how each one is so unique, just like us. Keep up the good work!
Dan - 03/12/98 23:52:37
My Email:danl10@hotmail.com
Location: Escondido, Ca.
I am absolutely impressed. You have done a wonderful job. I will stop back by and see what else you've done later. Love ya!!
Jim Griner - 03/12/98 01:12:22
My Email:jgriner@primenet.con
Location: Yuma, Arizona
Hi Bonnita;
I'm really happy with your home page. You are doing a great job. I am proud of you. Keep up with the good work.
Jim Griner
Yuma, Arizona
herman 1 - 03/10/98 22:05:09
well little lady--I just want to tell you --you are one heck of a poet darlin----and shucks---I just about turned to jello reading them there poem little sweetie---you keep up yhe good work now---ya hear
herman 1
herman - 03/10/98 22:01:08
Murphy - 03/09/98 18:00:48
My Email:murphyslaw1@hotmail.com
well..well...Glad to see you got it done ...very nice ,i like the picture cube..A very good effort for your first try...Keep up the good work....Keep me posted...you know how to reach me....:)
Murphy - 03/09/98 17:59:44
My Email:murphyslaw1@hotmail.com
well..well...Glad to see you got it done ...very nice ,i like the picture cube..I very good effort for your first try...Keep up the good work....Keep me posted...you know how to reach me....:)
Erika - 03/08/98 21:48:43
My URL:http://www.key.net.au/~erika
My Email:erika_112@hotmail.com
I knew you had it in you, my girl . Fantatastic page, will come back to see it all, but time is running out just now.
Love the music, mmm, love everything.
done a real great job. lots of hugs:-))))))))))) erika
Mike - 03/08/98 19:33:48
My Email:Life@Sprint.ca
I am very impressed..!
A very well done job. The foto cube is very effective and well designed.
Kurt - 03/08/98 10:24:03
Bonnie in such a short time you have come such a long way ... am impressed ..love the poems ..love it all ...keep up the good work
George - 03/08/98 04:29:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/3187
My Email:soono7ng@flash.net
Hey . good job . I love it .
David - 03/07/98 23:09:54
My Email:shagnat@gte.net
Hey Bonnita :)
What a GREAT job you've done.... and just think, this is your first effort. It's super and I love it!
mike - 03/07/98 19:45:20
hi bonnita---I think you are doing a fantastic job here girl---keep up the good work