THE CANADIAN FLAG --- The Canadian Flag shall be given precedence at all times in New Brunswick and shall occupy the place of honour when flown with the New Brunswick Flag.THE NEW BRUNSWICK FLAG --- Within the Province of New Brunswick, the New Brunswick Flag takes precedence over all flags except the Canadian Flag. The New Brunswick Flag shall fly at all provincial buildings, sites and establishments throughout the Province where flagstaffs are provided.
THE UNION JACK --- The Union Jack ranks next in importance after the New Brunswick Flag. It has been approved by the Parliament of Canada as a symbol of Canada's membership in the Commonwealth of Nations and of her allegiance to the Crown.
THE ACADIAN FLAG --- The display of the Acadian Flag on the Legislative Building was approved by resolution of the Legislative Assembly passed on April 10, 1984.

The Canadian Flag

No one single person can be credited with the design of the maple leaf flag. Indeed, the design arose based on a strong sense of Canadian history and a result of collaborative effort involving several Canadians. The combination of red and white appeared in the General Service Medal issued by Queen Victoria, Red and White were subsequently proclaimed Canada's national colours by King George V in 1921.A key element of the flag is the stylized maple leaf. The design was approved by resolution of the House of Commons on December 15, 1964 and in the Senate on December 17, 1964 and proclaimed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to take effect on February 15, 1965. The maple leaf flag was raised for the first time on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, at noon, February 15, 1965.

The New Brunswick Flag

MOTTO: Spem Redxit (Hope Restored)
The upper third of the flag is red with a gold lion. The lion is the same as found on the arms of the Duchy of Brunswick in Germany, which is the ancestral home of King George III. The ship refers to the importance of ship building and sailing in the early years of New Brunswick.

The Union Jack

The Red Ensign was created in 1707 as the flag of the British Merchant Marine. A form of the Red Ensign with quartered arms of Canadian provinces gave rise to the Canadian Red Ensign, various forms which were flown from 1870 to 1965.

The Acadian Flag

The Acadians are the "other" Francophone community of Canada. The Tricolour was introduced as a flag for the French in Canada, that is mostly in Quebec, in the 1840's and within 20 years became something of a national flag for the French Canadian nationalists. The first documented use of the Tricolour is June 24, 1867. Tha Acadian Flag was adopted in August 1884 at the Acadian National Convention. The Tricolour represents the Motherland of the Acadians. The yellow star, the Stella Maris, is the symbol of Mary, Acadian national symbol and patron of the mariners. It is set on the blue stripe, because blue is the colour of Mary. The yellow colour of the star represents Papacy. The Acadian Flag was not in use until the late 19th. Century. It was only about 6 years ago that we celebrated the centenary of the Acadian Flag in New Brunswick and Nove Scotia.