A Poem about my Faith in God.

My Belief

When Jesus came
from a virgins birth,

He knew his task
He knew his worth.

He was not
like you and me,

But here to show
how we should be.

Kind and Loving
giving Hope,

Thru God's Word
we all can cope.

Take a hint
and say a prayer,

show the Lord
we all can care.

For the needy
and the sick,

Love and Prayer
could do the trick.

Help each other
Friend or Foe,

That is the way
for us to grow.

Say a Prayer
for those you meet,

For to God
it is so sweet.

To all you see
give a Smile and a Nod,

Place your Faith
and Trust in God.

He will light
and guide your day,

He'll touch your Heart
and show you the way.

Believe in Him
He'll not let you down,

For only thru Him
Can Salvation be found.



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