Meet Rainbow! I went to the Site Fites and she wanted to come home with me. I couldn't resist. She is very sweet!

Buffy was designed by an 8 year old girl named Erika! :)
Buffy has many friends who would like to be adopted into happy sites! Click on the logo above, and find a cute bunny of your own.

This is Edgar - please walk softly, he's sleeping! He does that a lot ;) He's a good egg!

Gertie is my first Woobie!
You will meet Binky in a little while. They are both my 3 year olds friends, she thinks they are so cute - so do I :)
Sunny keeps my site warm!
My site was warm and cozy all Summer thanks to Sunny! Click on her to see all of her friends you can adopt for your page!
This is Sparkles!
Can you tell I spent a lot of time at the site fights? Sparkles is a special edition 4th of July Dragon! Stop by the site fights and pick up a special dragon of your own :)

Dotty is new to my site :)
She is one of many beautiful Dolphins that would like to be adopted! :)
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