
I am Clea or Mom2Anna, and welcome to my page. I am so glad you stopped by to see us! : ) I originally started this page as something fun for my daughter, but as I kept going I loved it too much to stop! Check back often for new additions! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please let me know.
I am a Community Leader here in Heartland. Please feel free to yell if you have any questions, or need any help at all!
While you are here, don't forget to visit Anna's page, and sign the Guestbook! We love to know who stopped by!
Speaking of Anna... here we are!

Thank you Heartland Heart of the City!
I am honored to have won this wonderful award!!

Heartland - Where Friendship is Homegrown.

Visit some of my favorite pages :)

Missy's Cozy Cabin! - One of my best friends online and off :)

View My Old Guestbook Here

You are visitor number since February 25th, 1998
