My Home Page:
Glenn E. Larkin

Hello and welcome to this page. Thanks for stopping by.
 As Randy Newman sang "I love LA"
As I promised to Steve, page is slightly updated - 12.30.05

I currently live in the town of Lake Forest, just a little south of Disneyland, with the 'Fetching' Mrs. Larkin.

My Background
I was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
My place of employment
Ma Famile:
            Robert:  Barbara: Linda: Lorraine:

My Interests.....
.....are my own, and I suspect you could care less!  So I will not bother you with them.

Golfing in Colorado - but I am right handed?!?

My Home Town

Verdun Wackers Ball Hockey Association        Boisvert Family      Verdun Old Boys Club

Larkin Family Online Photo Album  -  Some snapshots

Montreal June 1999 Photo Album   -  Some snapshots

Some thoughts I had after my high school reunion


If you graduated from Verdun Catholic High School, Verdun, Quebec, click on the link to view pages from the YearBook.

 Email me at
Please come back and visit soon .

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