Welcome to my Guestbook!

Naurine Carter - 06/15/00 02:03:57
My Email:carter01@ipa.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: All

Your site is wonderful! Especially enjoyed the Dear Jane as I am starting mine now. Taking classes from Angel MOM at Quilted Angels on Egroups. We are drafting each block ourselves & it really is fun! Love & Hugs, Naurine

Rodger Ling - 03/24/00 01:40:03
My URL:http://www.cdc.net/~rling/home.htm
My Email:rodger-ling@utc.edu
Favorite Quilt Pattern: One I don't have to make myself.

Everything I know about quilting (which isn't much) I know from my friend Deborah. I've known one or two other quilters in my time, but she's the first to have such an excellent website. I hope others enjoy it as much as I have.

Joy Baggish - 03/18/00 00:32:30
My Email:JoyBagg@AOL.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Dear Jane (of course!)

What a terrific site! I love your baby Janes and, of course, the baby rhino. Wonderful set up; I wish my grandmother had quilted! Keep the pages current; my DJ is all in teal, I think we think somewhat alike. Joy

leslee Hoover - 11/04/99 00:49:28
My Email:penguin@acme-brain.com

Debbie, Now you have done it! I want a cat again. Our ancient feline has been gone 2 years and looking at your peanut butter I realized what is missing in my life. It was nice to view your web page; so touching about your grandmother. I never knew either of my grandmothers and my mother was never interested in quilting, or planting or whatever- she likes to play cards! Have a good day at the zoo! Not too many people you can say that to. Les Hoover

Joyce DeLucia - 10/06/99 12:41:21
My Email:jdelucia@nccoast.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: traditional

Hi, I enjoyed visiting your site. I am collecting fabrics for a Dear Jane quilt. I have no time to start it now as I have had pressing projects , just finished a baby quilt (I used the kitty cucumber panel ) baby due end of this month. Also had to do a hristmas table runner for an auction in our community for the Susan G Koeman Breast Cancer, and have a baby quilt to do for our first grandchild, due around Thanksgiving. Now that the other 2 are done I can get to the important one. This is a Noah's Arc uilt by Debbie Mumm. It is coming so cute and I can't wait to get to working on it.---that is as soon as I finish my blocks for the 30's swap that must go out Friday. I just bought a book with paper pieced patterns. The book had 6" and I reduced them to 4" and will work on these tonight. Oh well that tells you about me. I enjoyed your site and it was nice to see your Dear Jane blocks and what you have done with your interpertation of the pattern. Please post it to the 30's site when finished. Since you live in Georgia and I North Carolina, let me tell you something that might be of interest. I belong to the Quilters by the Sea guild, Wilmington NC. We are hosting NC Quilt Symposium on May 31-June 3, 2001. Plan to attend. It will be great. I am vendor chair, and starting to save a stash of money. We should have good vendors. I have written to Judy Rothermel and she has expessed an interest in being a vendor. Well enough of this chatter. Continue to do such good work. Joyce

Joyce DeLucia - 09/11/99 22:15:41
My Email:jdelucia@nccoast.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: repros

Hi welcome to the thirtys swap. I am a silent one and do not go on the line to all. It was nice to visit your web site. I am just starting a dear jane quilt and am collecting reproduction fabrics at the time. I will start on it as soon as I finish my aby quilt for my first grandchild due in Nov. I am doing Noahs Arc. Well I hope you have fun with the 30 group. Joyce

VIRGINIA REINDAHL - 07/25/99 04:14:29
My Email:suger@cyberhighway.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: OutsideofDearJane-Cathedral Window

I was debateing if I wanted to do my Jane in blues and after seeing all your blues I definately want to do blues. I love you color sense and work. Your site is also very intertaining.

PANSY - 07/18/99 14:55:39
My Email:you know it girl!
Favorite Quilt Pattern: anything applique

Hey, I love your web-design. Especially the pansies at the top of the page. Shame on me, this is the first time I'm visiting any of the RR gals sites in quite some time. I'm gonna browse some more. Hope your doing well.....hugs, Pansy

Maria/shemeows - 07/17/99 16:24:35
My URL:http://users.lewiston.com/ragnar/quilt.htm
My Email:shemeows@lewiston.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: most all star blocks

I really enjoyed your page, and now it is a bookmark in my favorites. Give PB a pat on the back from me :) I am also a proud cat momma, he's gorgeous! I look forward to coming back and seeing more of your beautiful quilts. Warm regards and happy stitching, Maria

Terry Wright - 06/30/99 03:28:36
My Email:GAquiltR@rabun.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Sawtooth star

Debbie, great page! Haven't even seen it all yet but I'll come back! Good luck. -98 SS

Juanita Betz - 06/18/99 11:00:49
My Email:JBetzy@Aol.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Dear Jane (beautiful)

Ihave a Flower Garden by my Grandma W. done I also have 4 quitl tops done by my Grandma A. but am not sure what to do with them. Love The Love Star by your Grandmother. My daughter is a DJ and that is the way I get to see your mail and web site. Great! Keep up the good work.

Beverly FINLEY - 06/17/99 13:41:35
My Email:BFinley102@aol.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Ohio Star

Nice web site. I know you enjoy your job.

Linda Bland - 06/17/99 00:38:57
My Email:volunteer5@aol.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Dear Jane of coarse!!!

I love your web site. Keep those pictures coming. I really like the ones at the zoo. Hugs Linda in southern Ohio

Cathy - 05/31/99 00:25:49
My Email:cjgallant1@hotmail.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Stars

Love your site. Thank you for sharing your quilts with us.

Cathy - 05/31/99 00:25:30
My Email:cjgallant1@hotmail.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Stars

Love your site. Thank you for sharing your quilts with us.

JuDee Carpenter - 05/07/99 17:44:09
My Email:Kmprs@aol.com

Debbie: You have a delightful web page. I plan on coming back often to see the Storm at Sea develope, and also to see what else you have done. JuDee Carpenter aka Kmprs@aol.com

Kreth Saxon - 05/06/99 22:35:40
My Email:mysteryluver@webtv.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Patchwork and GFG

Seeing your PB really makes me miss my Bogie even more..They look a lot alike. I love your blue Janes! They are beautiful. Enjoy Atlanta! Best always,Krethy-jane

Dana Lynch - 04/05/99 04:26:06
My Email:DLquilter@aol.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: New York Beauty - Karen Stone

Hi Debbie, ....I hope you're enjoying your new home in Atlanta. I'm sorry we did not get to meet while you lived in Tennessee. I love your blue blocks. One of my friends is doing hers in that combination, and it's just beautiful. Your webpage is great nd I enjoyed all the information.

Julie Brewer - 04/03/99 21:44:50
My Email:wbrewer@hitter.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Dear Jane Blues

I love the idea of doing a DJ in all blues. It's beautiful.

Nellie from W PA - 04/03/99 15:39:25
My Email:NelBru@aol.com

Good work on the DJ babies! Makes me want to do more. Thanks.

Daffy Duck - 11/05/98 11:32:04
My Email:luv2kwilt@yahoo.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Can't pick a favorite!!!

Debbie dearest~~~loved checking out your page. I bookmarked it too. Beautiful quilts! Isn't it remarkable how every quilt (an inaminate object) has a personality of its own?? Anyway, loved seeing your kitties...I need to put new photos of my babies up...m re close-up. But where was a photo of YOU???? At least on MY page, there are plenty of photos of ME!!!! hehehe Take care, Miss Scarlett!

Becky Bucci - 10/25/98 14:58:11
My Email:bbucci@mindspring.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Anything with stars

Debbie, Enjoyed visiting your site, seeing your DJ blocks, completed projects, and meeting your feline friends. All are wonderful, including your grandmother's quilt.

Jill Reid - 10/18/98 13:54:48
My Email:Longwood01@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Log Cabin

Hi Debbie, Thanks for sharing your Dear Janes with us on the list! Jill in Jersey

Paula Hammer - 10/15/98 13:01:06
My Email:phammer@mobilnet.gte.com
Favorite Quilt Pattern: All

Debbie - Your Dear Jane quilt will be gorgeous in blues. I especially liked "Hunter's Moon" , with the moon and the tree in the background.

Cookie - 10/15/98 01:55:33
My Email:rnoel@peachnet.campuscw.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Drunkards Path

Great site!

Susanne K. - 10/14/98 15:28:48
My URL:/HotSprings/Spa/3263
My Email:arlo32@niia.net
Favorite Quilt Pattern: no pattern in particular, but I LOVE applique!

Your site looks great! The DJ blocks, stunning! It's so exciting to see what others are doing.

Linda/CA - 10/13/98 15:49:27
My URL:http://www.sewhappy.com
My Email:lindah@rcf.usc.edu
Favorite Quilt Pattern: Obviously Dear Jane

Your site is great. I love all your blue DJ blocks. Keep them coming. Love, Linda

Andrea de C. - 10/13/98 06:34:12
My Email:andrea@spirit.net.au
Favorite Quilt Pattern: All!

Dear Debbie Loved your site! All the way from Australia, the Baby Jane squares look adorable. Thankyou for sharing them with us. Love Andrea (in Canberra, our nation's capital)

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