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Debbie's Treasures

On this page I hope to introduce you to some of my treasures. Quilts made by my family and friends as well as those I have made. I also want to share some of the history of this wonderful art form.

Lone Star by my Great Grandmother Bertha Turner

My Quilted Treasures NEW!

Dear Jane Treasures

Crazy Quilting - NEW!

Treasured Memories - NEW!

An Introduction to Me!

My Living Treasures (of the feline "purr"suasion) NEW ADDITION!

This place is a Zoo!

Some Favorite Quilting Links!

Dear Jane Quilts

Susanne's Index Page

Lisa's Dear Jane Page

Alice's Page - "Pumpkins and Roses"

Tazzie's Page

Patchworks - reproduction fabrics!

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