Barry was born on April 1, 1960, in Los Angeles, California.
He is the product of a difficult childhood. His father was an alcoholic, and he had to endure many abuses because of this.
Barry had to carry a major portion of the support for his home when his father passed away in 1975. It wasn't easy, as Barry was just starting high school, and was working part time.
Barry's love for computers began during the difficult years that he was in high school. He learned BASIC there, using a teletype machine linked to a mainframe. Along with this, he worked at a direct-mail advertising company, as a back-up computer operator.
Barry graduated high school in June of 1978, and joined the United States Air Force on October 19, 1978.
Barry married his first wife in October, 1980, and has two sons, Barry Junior and Sean.
Barry has been around the world during his Air Force Career. He has been stationed in England, Italy, Japan, and the British Indian Ocean Territories, Montana, and California. He has visited several other countries (Korea, Austria, Portugal, Canada, Germany, San Marino, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Spain), and has traveled through more than half of the states of the United States.
His wife divorced him shortly after he met Trish, at the end of 1998.
Barry enjoys fine wines, cross-stitching, and has an addiction to the world-wide web. He enjoys spending time building web pages, especially for this website. His favorite thing to do, however, is to spend time with his only true love, Trish.
In addition to this site, Barry is the webmaster for his unit's official website, located at
Barry will be returning to the arms of his love in September, 1999.
You can learn more about Barry's
career at Diego Garcia, AMC Operations - Command and Control Superintendent.