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Welcome to my webpage. My hobby is genealogy and some of the surnames I am researching are : Adams, Beers, Cantrell, Clark, Dalrymple, Dunivan, Dunning, Hawthorne, Hermetz, Homan, Howerton, Jones, Martin, Merriman, Miller, Mitchell, Moses, Rains, Rankin, Richerson, Shepherd, Vann, Watson, and York.
If these names sound familiar, contact me.
My Family Tree
Descendancy Charts
- Luke Adams
- William Cantrell
- Dalrymples of Nova Scotia
- Dalrymples of Scotland
- Henry Hermetz
- John Moses Part 1, Part 2
- John Rains
- James Richerson
- Andrew Shepherd
- James Huey Watson
- Richard York
- A Double Murder
- Family Photos
- History of Dalrymple Surname
- Orient #2 coal mine explosion
- Illinois Statewide Marriage Index
Provided by the Illinois State Archives!
My Favorite Links!
Directory of census, birth, death, marriage records on the Internet.
©1998-2008Val Hermetz, All rights reserved.Updated on 8 Mar 2008.