Family Pages

I have a very talented family in more ways than one. But one area that seems to be gaining speed is their ability to design web pages.
Here are the links to our family pages. Each different and unique in its own way.

Here is the page belonging to my niece, Kim Norton. She has really become a wiz at this thing and is even a Heartland Select Webring sight.

Mick @ Nite
My nephew Mick is a senior design student at Texas Tech. The web design bug is his fault. He started learning it in school and when he came home for Christmas he started teaching us. Now look at what has happened.

The Dawg Pound
Another nephew. Will is into sports big time. He has a fantasy basebase team, The Sugar Land Dawgs, and is working on a football team.

O'Neal On-Line
My sister is even into it in a small way. She has a page that is devoted to our mother's side of the family. The O'Neals. She is slower at learning this trade but much better at the research.

Watson Family History
The last of the family to get his web page up and running is my brother-in-law. He will be adding the Watson information as it becomes available.
