CMY Church Planting Team

Rosy and Francisco Diaz, Rhonda and Craig Gates and Sandra and Raúl Sansores


Francisco and Rosy both were born and raised in the Yucatan and later graduated from “Colegio Cristiano del Centro” in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. In 1994 they returned to the Yucatan with the desire to start a new church work in the South east area of Mexico. They assisted CMY with Bible Studies in the Mérida area while they made plans to move to Chetumal the capital city of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Their desire was to move there by late 1995 which they were able to do.


Over the past 10 years they have been able to establish a growing church having moved to Chetumal knowing no one. The Lord has really assisted them through lonely times of hard work. Over the past two years plans for a new church building have been put into place and they are in the progress of building a new place of worship.


Christ’s Mission in the Yucatan (CMY) has assisted this work since 1995 in many ways but only in small ways. We assisted in pre-survey work, moving, evangelistic meetings and many visits over the past 9 years. Now we want to partner with the Diaz Family.


We have asked Francisco and Rosi to become Church Planters with CMY. They are very excited about the idea. They are making plans to establish a stronger leadership in the existing church in Chetumal so that they would be free to start a new work in the surrounding area. Right now an area of new housing is growing several miles to the east of them. This has been targeted as the area of a future church plant.

This past July a new church plant was started in the town of Pedro Santos, with a new building and services every Sunday.


They have two children: Lily and Flavio


We at CMY have started taking care of the Medical, Travel and Living needs of the Diaz Family. CMY is helping the Diaz family with $200 a month plus they receive additional support from another mission bringing their total up to $500 a month.


Raul and Sandra Sansores:


Raul, born and raised in the Yucatán went to attend Colegio Cristiano del Centro in San Luis Potosí with no former education but with a desire to be what ever God needed him to be. While there in his first year he was tutored by a young girl from the Irapuato area of Mexico named Sandra. She helped him with his Spanish and class work. A few years later they were married and moved to the Yucatan where Raul worked in hotels in the Cancun area until 1995.


Since 1995 Raul has worked in the Mérida area and studied hard to improve his Leadership role in the area church. In 1998 Raul was ordained by the church in Emiliano Zapata Sur 3 and has since worked as it’s evangelist.


Raul and Sandra have a desire to work for the Lord and see a great need for new church plants in the Mérida area of the Yucatan.


CMY has supported Raul for several years with around $100 a month but we now support them with $500 a month and would like them to begin a new church plant in Mérida in 2004.

They have three children:  Abigail, Jonathan and Janet.

They have been a large reason that the Lord has been able to work through the church in EZS3.  Raul helps organize the home Bible studies and visits.  He also preaches every Sunday.  Sandra helps in many of the visits plus teaches the children's classes with several other women.

Prayer needs:

·        Continue growth in knowledge and understanding

·        Finishing of their extension to their houses so they can have a better kitchen area.

·        Continue prayers for the family and their love for the lost.

·        Raul, Sandra, Abigail, Jonathan and Janet

·        Funds to help them in their ministry and help with extra schooling costs this.

·        Francisco, Rosi, Lily and Flavio

God bless you all as you lift up this Christian family to God.  Together the Lord will shine through us to save those that live near our homes.
