The Gates' Boys
Jared, is now a Second year student at Great Lakes Christian College. He has really worked hard with the college's
Soccer team. "They even won half their games this year". He is studing Christian ministries, New Testament and Missions
Chris has been playing Lacrose for the Holt High School and doing very well in his 12th grade classes.
Andrew has been working on several things. He played Freshman Football, his team did very well with their only losses coming when they split the squad so they could play more games. Being in 9th grade has also kept him very busy.
Benjamin is enjoying 6th grade at the Hope Middle School. He played up an age in soccer and did very well, the team record this past fall was 19 wins, 1 tie and 2 loses.
This fall he played Premire U-13 moving up an age group
Benjamin playing at a soccer game last fall
Contact Jared at:
Contact Andrew at:
Contact Christopher at:
Contact Benjamin at: