The Gates Family

Andrew, Jared, Christopher

Benjamin, Rhonda and Craig

We have lived and worked in the Yucatán since December, 1985.  Since the Summer of 2002 we have resided in Michigan, while helping CMY to grow into a mission that can continue to meet the needs of all people in the Yucatán and now Cuba. So many things have come and gone since our arrival, but we find that we still love serving the Lord here and anywhere else He might lead us.

The Lord has blessed us with 4 loving boys that have grown up speaking English and Spanish.  You can learn more about their lives on their own page.  BOY'S PAGE.

This past year of 2006 was very exciting in that we were able to accomplish several things as a family and as part of CMY.

Rhonda was hired by the Holt Public Schools and is able to help us financially so that CMY is able to help more in other areas. This has also been very rewarding for her as she as grow in her area of influence and service. In between my travels and trips I also have started being a sub-teacher for Spanish classes in the area schools.

Jared, now is finishing his fourth year at Great Lakes Christian College with above a 3.9 GPA and also was able to travel to Ireland in 2004, Cuba in 2005 and started working with Country Christian Church in the Lapeer, Michigan area. he will be graduating this coming spring of 2007.

Christopher is now in his second year at Great Lakes Christian College. His plans are to teach Social Studies and Spanish. from /st1:PlaceName> He also has been able to keep up with his school bills thanks to a job a Meijer Warehouse.

Andrew is now in 11th grade, played Football, intramural basketball and is thinking about Baseball for this spring.

Benjamin, now in 8th grade, is still playing with his CA United Premier Soccer team. He also was chosen for the Michigan Olympic Development Program and has been in training to see if he is chosen to move on to the regional camp with the 1992 age youth. He has decided that he wants to run track this spring also.

Craig’s work has been changing but he has been able to keep CMY’s goals front and center while adapting to the new requirements that his job of leading CMY has put before him. He has secured a Travel license for CMY and made 3 trips over the past 2 years into Cuba. He is assisting the Bible Academy in Sotuta with classes and books while allowing the younger preachers room to run and organize the Academy as they see they need. He is providing guidance to Francisco and Raul in their ministries during his many trips in and out of the Yucatan. In 2004 Craig was in the Yucatan a total of 5 months. He has also been visiting supporting churches and preaching at other churches upon request. Craig has also expanded his influence of contacts by working in the fall as a Soccer Referee and in the spring as a Soccer and Lacrosse Referee, this has been as time has permitted.

We don't want to bore you with our lives, but we do want to invite you to walk closer as a family with Jesus Christ.  We are blessed everyday by the Lord and know that He will help us in the future.

"For the Lord gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge
and understanding."
Proverbs 2:6
(New American Standard Bible)
We hope these web pages have been a blessing to you,
but remember true knowledge comes from God not the Internet!!!
May we be wise enough to understand that!!!

Don't forget to visit our other pages and to sign our guest book.

CMY, Projects, Yucatán, Prayer, Boys.


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