How It All Began

On September 1st, my mommy went to the hospital at 11:00pm est. because of severe abdominal pains. When mommy and daddy arrived at the hospital several nurses kept coming into the room to take mommy's blood pressure and check her reflexes (mommy's legs were swollen up to her knees, also her hands and face were swollen. A big indicator of toxemia). Mommy's blood pressure was very high (sorry I don't remember the exact #) anyway mommy was diagnosed as having Preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome. Mommy had to be transferred to a hospital that was equipped to handle a baby my size. Once we arrived at the hospital the doctors started talking about me making an early arrival. Mommy and daddy asked if we could hold off on my arrival for a few days if possible. The doctor said mommy is getting worse every few hours, her blood pressure is going up and her platlet count is dropping (not a good thing). The doctor agreed to wait 24hr because daddy asked about the steroid injection that is suppose to help my lungs develop quicker (the drug needs at least 24hrs to work). Mommy was also given a drug called mag sulfar and two different type of medicine that were suppose to help mommy go into labor. Unfortunately on September 3rd mommy was getting worse, the only cure was to deliver me immediately. Mommy's condition required her to need a transfusion of platlets (blood) and go under general asthesitc so the doctor can perform an c-section. I arrived on September 3rd 1997 at 10:06am.

I was not in the best condition to say the least, I was immediately placed on the ventilator and had all types of tubing on my tiny little body. Daddy was the first to come and visit me and hold my hand (mommy was not able to visit for a few days due to her condition)

Everything was smooth sailing the first 9 days of life then suddenly the doctor called home to tell mommy and daddy that I had a PDA that had not closed and is causing major problems for my lungs. The doctor said this is a very serious situation and that we could possible lose Kyle. The course of action was medicine instead of an operation (which I was too small for anyway). The medicine worked but it was a long 3 days and then some for mommy and daddy.

The next couple of weeks were up and down, as I had jaundice and spent some time under the bililights and had the first of many staph infections. My first try at breast didn't go too well (mommy got a little depressed) but mommy was able to hold me (tubes and all) for the first time while the nurse cleaned out my isolette.

By the end of the month I was being fed mommy's breast milk through a tube in my mouth and was taken off of the ventilator and put on the cpap Unfortunately after only a few days, I had to go back on the ventilator due to a another infection. Hopefully things will get better next month.

October 1997 Update

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