Hi I'm Kyle.
I was born on September 3, 1997 at 25 weeks weighing in at 1 lb 4 oz and 11 1/2 inchs long, (PHOTO). My mommy and daddy (Ronda & Christopher) had just gotten married on August 26, 1997 in Las Vegas when my mommy started have abdominal pains. Mommy went to the hospital on September 1st at 11:00pm thinking she had a bad case of indigestion. So it was a big surprise when the doctor said my mommy had Preeclampsia, HELLP Syndrome which required my immediate arrival via C-section.
I was in the hospital for a total of 96 days, on the vent for 31 days and was discharged on December 7, 1997 (1 wk before my actual due date) with a nasal cannula, apnea monitor, and pulse ox monitor weighing 4 lbs 10 oz. My hospital stay was like a roller coaster for mommy and daddy as I had 4 infections, PDA, BPD, ROP Stage 2, and double hernias.
Mommy created this web site to educate family, friends, and anyone whose life has been touched by a premature baby. This Page is to give you a glimpse at what life is like for the baby and their parents. These babies overcome many obstacles and hurdles to survive and life is not always easy once they are released from the hospital but with the support of family and friends it can make life a little easier. I hope this web site can be of help at least one person, if so it was well worth the time and effort mommy put into creating it.
P.S. If you have time and want to drop me a note, please sign my guessbook.
Below you can follow my progress from the beginning. My mommy will try to update my progress on a monthly basis. Daddy will continue trying to add pretty pictures and background images to make my web page attractive
PHOTOS * September 1997 * October 1997 * November 1997 * December 1997 * January 1998 * February 1998 * March 1998
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