Old dog in a locket
That lies next to my heart
I will always love you
As I did right from the start.
You were right beside me
Through the darkest of my days
It was your kind and gentle nature
That made me want to stay.
Now I hold you in my arms
Your breath still warm against my hand
Our hearts still beat together
And I wonder if you understand.
Through the hours that I held you
Before the light did leave your soul
I knew a way to keep you
Forever in my hold.
I snipped the hair from around your eyes
So I would always see
The beauty that surrounds me
Even in times of need.
I snipped the hair from around your ears
So I would always hear
Music in the distance
To quiet any fears.
I snipped the hair from across your back
To bring me strength in time of need
And the the power of your essence
Would always be with me.
I snipped the hair from around your heart
That beat in time with mine
So I would know that love would find me
At some distant time.
And so, your life slipped out of mine
On a quiet Spring like day
But I knew that a part of you
Was always here to stay.
Old dog in a locket
That lays next to my heart
I will always love you
Even though we had to part.
Heidi Stamm
10. Suddenly there is a potpourri pomander adorning his collar
9.The dog's nails have been cut with pinking sheers
8. The dog's toys are all stored in McCoy crocks
7. The pooper scooper has been decorated with raffia
6. The telltale lemon slice floating in his new sterling silver water bowl
5. You find liver and whole wheat dog treats stamped out with copper cookie cutters and decorated with royal icing using a #2 rosette tip
4. Dog hair has been collected and put into wire baskets for nesting material for the birds
3. A seasonally appropriate grapevine wreath adorns the front of his crate
2. Your dog goes outside naked and comes in wearing a thyme colored virgin wool hand knitted sweater and matching booties
1. The NUMBER ONE way you know Martha Stewart has been stalking your Dobe is:
The dog poop in your back yard has been sculpted into swans.
From Sue St. Gelais
Dogs tags ring, are you listening'?
In the lane, snow is glistening'.
It's yellow, NOT white - I've been there tonight,
Markin' up my winter wonderland.
Smell that tree? That's my fragrance.
It's a sign for wand'ring vagrants;
"Avoid where I pee, it's MY property!
Markin' up my winter wonderland."
In the meadow dad will build a snowman,
following the classical design.
Then I'll lift my leg and let it go Man,
So all the world will know it's mine-mine-mine!
Straight from me to the fencepost,
flows my natural dober boast;
"Stay off of my TURF, this small piece of earth,
I mark it as my winter wonderland."
Why Dogs Have a Wet Nose
When a man named Noah started building a boat in the middle of the desert, everybody laughed. They thought he was daft. But Noah wasn't listening to them, he was listening to the God of the Hebrews, who said to build a boat. So Noah built a boat.
Noah called his boat an ark. When he finished it, he rounded up all the animals, two by two, to travel on his ark. People laughed at Noah's opossums and panthers and penguins. They laughed at his cheetahs and chinchillas, giraffes and gazelles, and rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses. Into the ark went all the animals, two by two. Pretty soon, it started to rain. It rained, and it poured, and it rained some more.
People stopped laughing and the ark started floating. Noah and his family and all the animals, two by two, rode safely on the waters. They sailed for 40 days and 40 nights.
When the rains stopped, out of the ark came Noah and his family and all of the animals, two by two. Except one. No one could find the little dog. Noah searched everywhere. He looked on the first deck. He looked on the second deck, then the third deck. Finally, in the farthest corner in the lowest deck, he found the little dog. The dog was shivering and standing with his nose pressed hard against the side of the boat. "Come here, little dog!" called Noah. "It's time to come out! Here, doggie, doggie!" The little dog wouldn't move. Noah gently pulled him away. "What's this?" said Noah. "A hole in the ark! The ark might have sunk! Little dog, You kept us safe - me, my family, and all of the animals, two by two! With your little nose!" The little dog was proud. But mostly, he was hungry. "Little dog," said Noah, as he pulled out a juicy bone, so all the world and all the generations will know your great deed, your nose will always be cold and wet, just as it is today."
That's how the dog got his cold, wet nose. When you feel it, remember the little dog who used his nose to protect Noah, his family, and all of the animals, two by two.
~~author unknown~~
The Night Before Dog-mas
Twas the night before Dog-mas,
when all through the pound
not a puppy was yelping,
or playing around;
Our leashes were hung
by our kennels with care,
in hopes that St. Bernard
would soon find us there;
Chihuahuas were curled up,
all snug in their beds,
while visions of doggie-treats
danced in their heads;
Max in his collar,
on somebody's lap,
had tucked in his tail
for a midwinter's nap,
When outside the room
there arose such a clatter,
my eras perked right up
to hear what was the matter.
Away to the window
I jumped up with glee,
and barked at the shadows
that were cast by a tree.
The glow from the moon
changed night into day,
and started me thinking,
Woof, woof! Time to play!
When, what with my puppy-dog eyes did I see,
But a splendid dog-sled,
led by doggies like me.
With a regal furred driver
commanding, not stern.
I yelped to the others,
That must be St. Bern!
More rapid than greyhounds
our saviors they came,
and we barked and we howled,
and called them by name:
There's Duchess! There's King!
Fat Chance, and Bare Buffy!
On Fido! On Scooter!
On, Rover and Scruffy!
Go by the red hydrant
and run past those trees!
Nothing can stop you,
not even some fleas!
As puppies at play
chase after a stick
and race to their masters
so lively and quick,
So out in the field
his canines all flew,
catching the Frisbees,
that St. Bernard threw.
And then in an instant,
I heard at the door
the scratching and clawing
of each little paw.
As I pulled in my nose,
and was turning around,
Through the door St. Bernard
came in with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur,
from his head to his tail,
his wood cask adorned
with an icing of hail;
A bag of chew-toys he had
brought in with him,
and his mouth was turned up
in what looked like a grin.
His eyes - how they twinkled!
His ears flopped, how merry!
His coat shone like crystal,
his nose like a cherry!
His big sloppy mouth
was drawn up like a bow,
and the fur on his chin
was as white as the snow;
The stump of a bone
he held tight in his teeth,
and his collar encircled
his neck like a wreath;
He had a large face
and a furry, round belly
that shook when he barked,
like a bowl full of jelly.
He was fluffy and plump,
a big, cuddly old pooch
and I laughed when I saw him
and gave him a smooch.
A wink of his eye and
a wag of his tail;
we knew right away
we'd have homes, without fail.
He howled not a howl, but
went straight to his deed,
and took down our leashes
that soon we would need.
He opened the door,
and families stood there,
with children, all smiling,
and much love to spare.
He leapt to his sled,
to his team gave a call,
and away they all flew
as if chasing a ball.
But I heard him exclaim
as he chewed on a bone:
Happy Dog-mas to all,
and to all a Good Home!
Oh Lord, don't let me once forget
How I love my trusty pet
Help me learn to disregard
canine critters in my yard
Show me how to be a buddy
even when my sofa's muddy
Don't allow my pooch to munch
postal carriers for lunch
Shield my neighbors cat from view
and guide my steps around the doo
Train me not to curse and scowl
when the pup decides to howl
Grant I shan't wake in fear
with a cold nose in my ear
Give me patience without end
Help me be "A Dogs Best Friend".
-author unknown
You know you're a dog person when...
And the number one reason you know you're a dog person:
Your dog is the star of your World Wide Web site!