Do I have the time?
Dobermans need attention. They are very people oriented and do not like to be alone. If left alone they tend to be destructive. Dobes like to be with their owners, they didn't get the nickname "velcro dobe" for nothing.
Is there enough space at my home?
Dobes tend to be 50-90lbs. They are pure muscle and require lots of exercise, hence a you need a large fenced yard, or put on your walking shoes. Dobes have short coats and must be kept inside. They do not withstand cold weather and if you live in an apartment, this could be a problem.
Am I able to commit myself to obedience?
This is a must for dobes. A main reason our rescue gets dobes is because the owner states "I can't control him". Unless you have professional training experience, do not attempt this yourself. There are plenty of good classes available. Obedience not only trains your dobe (and you) but it socilizes them to other dogs and people. To put this in human terms the difference between untrained vs. trained, is equal to juvenile delinquient vs. honor student.
Do I have the money to spend?
The average cost of medical care for one year (shots, heartworm meds, etc) can be in the hundreds of dollars. As far as dog food......well let's just say they don't make those 40lb. bags for nothing.
Do dobermans shed alot?
Depends on what you mean by alot. They are short haired so you don't really notice it as much as a long haired dog. However those short little black hairs do show up so expect to find them. Their toenails are the main grooming concern. I trim every 2-3 weeks. Unless you start getting your dog used to nail trimming as a puppy, they will generally hate having them done as an adult. Neglecting to trim the nails will ruin a dobes feet in no time. Bathing also falls under this category. How often you bath your dobe is up to you. I have heard owners say everything from once a week to never.
Are dobes really aggressive?
I don't care for the word aggressive. Protective best describes a dobe. A dobe protects you with the same reguard as a mother would her children. This is part of the breed, training for protection is not necessary. Dobermans are fearless. However, just like each one of us have things that scare us, they do too. Luther goes ballistic during a thunderstorm and my first boy Judge was timid around young children, which leads us to the next question.
Will my dobe get along with my small children?
This is not a yes or no answer. If the dobe and children are raised together no problem. However, kids must learn to respect the dobe. Hint: If you get a rescue dog the temperment is already known vs. a puppy whose temperment is not yet matured.
Will a dobe get along with the dog I already own?
This of course is up to both of the dogs. I will say that two males usually do not belong together. I think it's a territorial "macho" thing.
I would like to buy a doberman and breed them, couldn't I make alot of money?
Initially this sounds right but, and here comes the big BUT, it doesn't work out that way. First of all, if you get a female, everytime you breed you literally risk her life. If you opt for a male and want to stud him look out!! A male that has been used to stud may "never" be the same dog. Studding will arouse his instinct to "scent" or mark his territory. In short this means he probably will pee on furniture and even people. If you do have puppies you are looking at spending hundreds of dollars. Docking, cropping, dew claws removed and four series of shots, for each puppy. A serious breeder will tell don't make money. Breeders are breeding to perfect dobermans and to produce for themselves a "show" quality dog.
Still wondering if you're meant to be a dobe owner? Check out the description of a Dobe Owner.
Dobermans are ranked #2 for security and 5th for obedience and intelligence, among the working class dogs. Rated #1 by mom for destruction by flavor.
See my new Rescue Dobes Luther and his sister Bonnie
My beautiful Lars above passed away suddenly Nov. 10 2002 from Cardio, it was less than a year after we adopted him. I miss him with all my heart.
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The above statements are my sole expressed opinions. These statements do not represent the entire Doberman Pinscher breed.
This site was created February 20, 1998. All photos, text and graphics(unless otherwise noted) are copyright Burdette Page, 1998 - 2007. All rights reserved.