Thanks for coming to Heartland Pointe! If you are browsing through Geocities or come across us somehow, you may wonder who we are. Well, we are a family of 5 that has lived in Oklahoma for 17 years. Jennifer and Patrick have been married for 19 years. Their oldest daughter Carrie Patricia is 18. Bonnie Dene is 15, and Melanie Jane is 11. This was our first attempt at a web page, and after being neglected for a few years, Carrie is trying to update it again. Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten HTML, which will make it a bit harder. All the pictures are really old, but hopefully we can switch them out soon. Please sign our new guestbook while you are here. For fun links, credits, n' such- go to the fun page. Click here to send an Internet Greeting Card from Bravenet to anyone! And you've got to check out our news page to see what's new. Any questions should be sent to Carrie or Pat. We're always updating so come back soon and see our progress. Nice to meet you!


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