Welcome to Our Guestbook!

This guestbook has been "retired". Please sign our new one!

10/04/98 10:59:26
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

SarAh - 06/18/98 21:44:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~xsarahf
My Email:r.gilliam@gurl.com

love the page. You sighnd my guest book and now I sighning yours!!!! try going to my sisters homepage at http://www.angelfire.com/tn/ghghj/index.html

love ya

Christina Tan - 06/15/98 11:14:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5020
My Email:moontwig@hotmail.com


Great looking site! Thanks for an enjoyable visit.

Matt Saha - 06/09/98 08:58:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/7860
My Email:matt_inc@hotmail.com

Wow! I'm impressed. This is a really great page, and with so much to look at I'll be coming back. Pat, I hope to keep up with you in the upcoming years. Thanks for everything. :) Check me out, I think you'll enjoy it. Talk to you soon.

John M. - 06/08/98 23:47:14
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Cottage/7715
My Email:efc-sage@geocities.com

Dear Mason-Myers Family,

Thank you for signing my guestbook and for the kind words regarding my site. I am in the middle of the finals so I'm kinda rushing in reviewing your page for the award. I'll e-mail you back as soon as I can, probably Friday or later :)

Keep up the great work, the page looks great.

John M.

Melissa and Sierra - 06/08/98 23:30:26
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/melissa_and_sierra/index.html
My Email:melissa_and_sierra@gurlmail.com

Cool Website Please Come And Check Out Ours! Thanks !

Lauren Rykovich - 06/08/98 21:03:07
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/wildflower44/lauren.html
My Email:shannon@icongrp.com

I just scrolled across your page! It's pretty cool! You have to sign my guestbook! Please! Well thanks. Keep up your cool site.@--->-

Makani Paina - 06/08/98 04:42:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/1631
My Email:makani_8@hotmail.com

I followed your link back from my guestbook at Whitch Way. What a warm, happy, inviting site you have and what a lovely family! Looks like you go through a lot of towels at your house, what with everybody always in the water! :o) And Bonnie, I wish you blessings of healing and quick recovery on your upcoming surgery. May your home always be filled with love, light, and laughter! ~Makani Paina

hahahaha - 06/07/98 23:15:23

cool! ugh, uhu, ya, um definitaly ya!

jennifer - 06/01/98 23:32:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/4846
My Email:jh89@hotmail.com

great page

Dusty - 06/01/98 04:22:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9218
My Email:mfaccone@geocities.com

Thank you for signing my guestbook Carrie. You have a wonderful site here... Keep up the good work. There will be a surprise being sent to you. :)

Shirley Schroeder - 05/31/98 22:54:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9503/Shirley.html
My Email:rubbert@geocities.com

Thanks for the hospitality! I also have Daughters aged 15 and 12. They both have their own pages that I think you and yours may enjoy visiting. You can do so by following their links from the Family and Friends area at my site. If you do drop in , we would be blessed to have you sign our GBs (all 3). God Bless you and Yours

Nancy - 05/31/98 14:18:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/7353/
My Email:nbower@hotmail.com

Thanks for signing my Guestbook! I appreciate knowing that somebody finds my site once in awhile! Your web site is very nice!

JR Caylor - 05/31/98 02:24:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Caylorjr/index.html
My Email:Caylorjr@aol.com

Very nice web-site! Keep up the nice work and stop by and visit sometime...

The Caylor Family Homepage

Caylor Web Designs

Betty van Tulden - 05/30/98 08:41:32
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~tulden
My Email:tulden@xs4all.nl


pagelogo.gif (15613 bytes)

About me
My labrador "Cindy"
and more!

Please come look yourself!

Hi, I enjoyed my stay on your pages very much. Great site!

I would be honored if you would
come to my site and sign my

aawakenfairy.gif (11953 bytes) Greetings, Betty aawakenfairy.gif (11953 bytes)

Matthew Schratwieser - 05/18/98 16:52:15
My Email:callsign2@aol.com

nice page for a nice family

Stacey M. - 05/15/98 15:35:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2636
My Email:xstaceym@ilovechocolate.com

Great site, thanks for signing my guestbook and letting me know you're here! Your family is just lovely :))

genfrao - 05/15/98 10:31:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/genfrao
My Email:genfrao@angelfire.com

nice page.you seem to look for free graphics... come by my home page you can have free...greetings by genfrao from italy....

Wendy Bracey - 05/03/98 18:16:44
My URL:/Wellesley/Garden/1192
My Email:bracey@sccoast.net

Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts with me concerning my page. I enjoyed meeting your family. :)

John M. - 05/02/98 20:00:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/7715
My Email:efc-sage@geocities.com

Hello there,

This is a great homepage you have here. I had a good time viewing your pages. Thank you for commenting in my guestbook, I appreciate it.
If you'd like any help, don't be afraid to ask. Keep up the great work !

John M.

janelle - 04/29/98 13:50:32
My URL:http://geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/2198
My Email:janners4@cheerful.com

page looks cool!! i love the clouds :)

Jennifer Sconzo - 04/26/98 03:08:07
My Email:Actress953@Aol.com

Carrie's page is very neat. i'm impressed with the music and cool graphics....now i know EVERYTHING about Carrie I've ever wanted to know :) Good Job!

Ed Beckham - 04/21/98 02:58:32
My Email:edbeckham@worldnet.att.net

Pat, your site looks cool. Richard will be faxing me the info on Telepath. I suggest that we think it over and then get together with our kids to do some brainstorming. Ed

Theresa & Terry - 04/19/98 02:56:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/1407
My Email:tgreen@nltc.net

Hey, wonderful page...

Tom Mason - 04/17/98 14:21:19
My Email:tmason@wzrd.com

This is so cool. You put my home-page to shame. Nice Job. Keep up the good work.

mikki - 04/13/98 02:51:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4217

Hi! So nice to meet the whole family! I peeked into every room - really like the drawings with Paintbrush! My son has been playing with ours, and is getting pretty good, if I don't say so myself! You have a great start going here...keep it up! Feel free t drop by my messy "home" anytime. Bye!

Shai Davidai - 04/11/98 22:25:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9400/
My Email:shai_d@inter.net.il

What can I say? You all seem like a nice loving family, all very educated and smart...keep up the good work.......


ted and Laura - 04/11/98 04:21:25
My Email:tlnosam@aol.com

Hello everyone. Things here are fine. Hope all is well in OK. Talk to ya soon. Ted and Laura

Terry Mason - 04/07/98 00:51:54
My Email:Tnosam@msn.com

Guess I will keep this internet service. Will stick with it for now. Nice web sit guys. Looks like you had a great time in Arizona Pat. Nice hair cut man. I have considered it myself to. Looks good on you both (Jim and Pat) Neet to see Ted and Laur photo too. Maybe some day I will get a Scanner. Terry

Tim Mason - 03/29/98 03:19:19
My Email:mtcrash@aol.com

Nice job Carrie. Howdy to the Mason-Meyers clan! You know, I hate computers, but I'm shooting in the 60's now on computer golf so I guess I'll have to keep it. Keep up the good work.

Tede Mason - 03/27/98 08:30:26
My Email:tlnosam@aol.com

Hey guys Great job on the web site. I wish I was smart enough to do one for myself. Tell your dad I had a great time in Arizona even though I didn't shave me head to do it. Later. Love and Miss you all, Ted and Laura

Amanda Kathleen - 03/26/98 22:09:25
My Email:thebiggiantpanda@hotmail.com

There Carrie, I signed your guestbook. Are you happy now?

the Carters - 03/26/98 13:51:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2482
My Email:janetcarter@hotmail.com

Carrie, thanks for adding Fawn & Tara's link to your site. Happy Easter!

Rod Eick - 03/25/98 14:42:18
My Email:rod.Eick@sglcarbon.com

I see your home page is working again. Great stuff, and nice family photos. Keep up the good work. Jenny, did you break that board on the first try?

Tim Weintraub - 03/24/98 03:54:32
My URL:http://www.niagara-lewiston
My Email:tweintr210

Great site!I`m watching the Academy Awards--I hope I win!!Love to all from Seattle! Tim Remember--Diamonds are a girls best friend!!!!

Anna Mason - 03/22/98 19:16:32
My Email:tnosam@msn.com

Hello. This is Anna K. Mason from Colorado Springs Colorado the home of Terry and Barb's Place. How is everyone there? I'm on Spring Brake and we all are going to see the movie Titanic tomorrow. Have any of you seen it there? I sold 600 boxes of girl scout cookies this year and will have a week in the mountains at a horse back riding camp this summer. Well that is about it for now. By Anna ;)

Terry Mason - 03/21/98 17:38:41
My Email:tnosam@msn.com

Hello to the Mason Meyers Family. Nice Home page. I am sending greeting from Colorado Springs. Hope all is well. Busy here cleaning house and digging out from this weeks snow. Uncle Terry

Carrie Mason - 03/21/98 16:18:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2125
My Email:luvbug@writeme.com

Well, the guestbook was messed up there for a while, but i completely re-did it so it should be ok now. i hope. =)

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