St. Ambrose Parish
Offices of the Clergy

Monsignor John Hedderman
Pastor of St. Ambrose since September, 1980
Born September 28, 1932
in Miami, Arizona
Judge Memorial High School Class of 1950
Attended St. Patrick's Seminary
Ordained April 30, 1960

Msgr. Hedderman has served as the Pastor of St. Ambrose since September, 1980. Before becoming our Pastor, he was the Chancellor of the Diocese for fifteen years. In addition, he has served as the Director of the Permanent Diaconate Program for the Diocese of Salt Lake and is currently celebrating his twentieth year as the Judicial Vicar in the Diocese Tribunal.

Rev. Fr. Protas Swai - A.L.C.P.
Born November 23, 1957 in Keni Aleni Chini Village, Rombo District, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania - East Africa
Ordained June 30, 1991 in Moshi, Tanzania

A member of the "Apostolic Life Community of Priests (in the Opus Spiritus Sacti) with its headquarters in Moshi, Tanzania. Moved to Salt Lake City in January 2002. Currently working as Parochial Vicar at St. Ambrose Catholic Church and also taking care of the Hospital Ministry at the University of Utah Hospital and Primary Childrens. 

Monsignor J. Terrence Fitzgerald
Sunday Ministry
Born August 25, 1936 in Salt Lake City
Judge Memorial Class of 1954
Ordained May 12, 1962

Msgr. Fitzgerald has held many positions on his way to becoming the Operations and Personel Director and Vicar General, Moderator of Curia, Operations Director for the Diocese. He has served as Pastor for three parishes and worked extensively with Catholic educational programs, serving as Principal of Judge Memorial from 1992 to 1995. Msgr. Fitzgerald has also served on many state and local committees, including the Governor's Criminal Justice Commission and the Intermountain Health Care Board of Trustees.

Secretaries: Vicky Bourg & Melanie Elizondo 485-5610

The Vaughan Center
1929 South 2300 East

Religious Education Director Pam Avery 485-9324
Youth Ministers Sarah Don 486-0913
Extended Day Care Program Tammie Cleverly 484-8905
Director of Music Barbara Libsch 582-1264
Bereavement & Homebound Ministry Mary Reade 484-8756
Volunteers Linda Dunn 274-0369

J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School
2335 South Redondo Avenue

Principal Mary Lane Grisley
Secretary Rosalie Quinn
Development Mary Markosian
Maintenance Didrian Euan
Kindergarten Teacher Jeramie Green
First Grade Teacher Joan Corey
Second Grade Teacher Joyce Acosta
Third Grade Teacher Senja Siebenek
Fourth Grade Teacher Lisa Romero/Hadley Saber
Fifth Grade Teacher Gary Green
Sixth Grade Teacher Trisha McCormick
Seventh Grade Teacher Jeff Baird
Eighth Grade Teacher Sue Hamburge
Art Nedda Oswald
5th thru 8th Grade Math Brady Hales
7th and 8th Grade Science Jim Humlicek
Learning Resource program Holly Dean
Computer Lorie Schmidt
First Grade Assistant Teacher Kay Bush
Second Grade Assistant Teacher Christina Merino
Third Grade Assistant Teacher Lauren Hollister
Library Linda Paoletti
Music David Asman
Physical Education Maria Jenei
Spanish Kathy Abuchaibe
Counselor Tim Johns

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