Website (C)1997-2008 JVD

Mar '08

Wow! Has it really been a year since there has been an update?
Has it really been 11 years since I started this page? I don't think the term 'BLOG'
was used when I started. I did try to keep a diary... Of course, I had more time.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Since the last web page update, I have completed my bachelors degree program, I have become our Cub Scout Den Leader (Ruth has dropped to Assistant Den Leader since she has now returned to school), and we have initiated plans to add on to our house. The addition will be adding a room for the daycare for use primarily by the older kids, and a master bedroom for us (so I can get my dresser out of my closet). We are looking forward to the changes! We will be able to have more space for storage, and we won't have to trip over toys all weekend. I will be doing some of the work, like tiling the bathroom and painting. I will try to keep a diary of the process. So far, we have a set of plans and are closing on the construction loan during the first week of March. Look for a link to appear shortly.

Visit our 'scout' page for notes on our Adventures in Scouting. Isaac has recently completed his Bear requirements, and will start Webelos rank in June. We have had many new experiences this year, and have many more to come. As the Den gets older we are able to do more interesting tours, and more complex projects.


Isaac and Mom- On vacation in Michigan in June '06.

Click here for information on childcare in Cary, Il.

Click here for information on vacationing in St.Croix.

Van Duzer Genealogy Our News BLOG- what we are up to! Pictures we want to share! Look at our Recipes! Check the little house calendar here
(text links below)
Reservations for the 'Little House'
A note about the reservation form: If you get an error submitting a 'FORM'
reservation request, please use the e-mail link and include the same information.
Reservation FORM | e-mail Reservations

Our Genealogy | Our News BLOG | Pictures | Recipes | Little House Calendar

Check these out now- these will soon go away!
Last pictures added 01/03...
Easter '02 | birthday series | Misc. '02 pics

Pictures 01/01 | '01 Carnival pictures | '01 Summer vacation pictures
'01-02 Winter pictures | '00 summer vacation pictures

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St. Joseph WebCam

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