I have concluded that there just is NOT enough Mary on the web! So here's my tribute to Mary! I just love Mary's art...I cant get enough of it! I have the cutest kitchen, decorated in Mary Engelbreit, of course!
If you have some great Mary Engelbreit links to add, drop me a line!
The Official Mary Engelbreit site
Higgins and Higgins A terrific collection of Mary merchandise on the net!
Market Basket Online Absolutely THE NUMBER ONE shopping site for Mary Engelbreit and more! (I saw my paycheck disappear when I found this site!
Home Companion Mary's take on teddy bears!
Appnews.com A nice article on Mary
The Art of Mary Engelbreit A nice personal page decidated to Mary's art
Collection of Mary Engelbreit Art Another personal ME page!
Mary Englebreit:The Artist and The Art