
Welcome to my World

Thanks for stopping by! Come on in and stay awhile...I've carved out a little spot of my own on The Web to share some of my favorite things with you.

I live in the (mostly) beautiful city of Oxnard, the Strawberry Capital of the World! If you love strawberries, dont forget to check out our annual Strawberry Festival. Check out the City of Oxnard's Home Page

Check out the Oxnard forecast here. Careful, the weather's great! You might just want to move here!

Please take a moment to stop by my darling Sophie Cat's very own homepage. She's worked very hard to put together a great page dedicated to cats and the people who love them. Sophie's Cat Box is a must see!

I'm a huge fan of Mary Engelbreit's art...and there isnt nearly enough of it on the web! So in an effort to correct that oversight, I'm putting together my own tribute to Mary and her art. Come check it out!

Here are some cool links to check out!

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