Mom & Pop Kazenske

Pop Kazenske went to heaven February 10, 2005.
He was 80 years old.
Had had Parkinson's Disease.
We placed Pop in a nursing home May 23, 2003.
The last couple months of his life were spent at the nursing home in Hospice Care.
I'm so thankful that he is no longer suffering.

I want to say THANK YOU to all those who prayed for us during that time.
Jesus took him home peacefully!
I was with Pop when he took his last breath.
He was my husband, my lover and my best friend.
Even though I miss him very much, I know that He is now healed and in the presence of God.

Sometimes it's hard to understand why things happen they way they do,
But God's ways are higher than ours and we must trust Him through it all.

Mom's Testimony:

As a young teenage girl, the Lord spared my life. I was in a car accident in March of 1946. I was only 15 years old at the time. I was in a coma in the hospital for a week. I had lost a lot of blood and they had to give me several blood transfusions in order to keep me alive. My hips, knee, and pelvis were injured in the accident. My pelvis was crushed. I was in the hospital for 3 months.

When they allowed me to go home, I was bedfast for several more months. My body was very weak. When I became stronger, I had to learn how to walk all over again. It took a while, but I was finally able to get around by using crutches.

Pop proposed to me while I was on crutches. We were married on June 27, 1947.

The doctor told me that if I ever decided to have children, I would have a very hard time of it. So, I began to pray. I didn't really know the Lord at this time, but He responded to my prayer. I had a son. After Frank was born, the doctor told me that I was not to have any more children. I continued to pray. I told the Lord that I wanted a girl. Even though the doctor said I couldn't have any more children, the Lord had other plans in mind. I gave birth to a baby girl. God was faithful! (Since my pelvis was crushed, I had both my children C-Section). Pop and I are very proud of both of them.

I have been through more operations than Carter has liver pills. Today, I can get around with a walker. I'm slow moving, but at least I'm moving! I can still raise my hands and praise the Lord. I can still shout at the devil and I can still pray up a storm!

Pop had a heart attack in November of 1996. He had to have quadruple bypass surgery. The devil meant to take his life, but God spared him!

Pop and I both experienced salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We so enjoyed praying and interceding for people.

Today, Pop is with the Lord in heaven and I'm continuing on as best I can at age 75. The Lord has been so good to me in the midst of all that I've been through. He is sure an awesome God. He gives me strength for each new day and I love Him so much.

One last thing: You're never too old to learn new things. I never dreamed I'd be able to use a computer or even attempt to learn about it, but God has given me wisdom.

May you find peace, joy and rest in Christ as you serve Him. If you don't know the Lord in a personal way, please give your life to Him. You will never regret it. He is an awesome God.

Please come back again soon!

God Bless You,
Mom & Pop K