Children are precious gifts to us from the Lord. God has a plan for the children. We must not neglect them. We must bring them up in the admonition of the Lord, so they can live for Him.
Parents, spend time with your children. Quality Time! Children need your attention and love. Don't be afraid to hug them and love them openly. They need it! They desire it! Talk to your children about the Lord. Buy them Christian videos, music, and books. Pray with them.
Many children live on the streets, because their parents do not love them. Others have been abused and neglected.
I've talked to some teenagers who have never heard their parents say, "I love you." They've never been hugged. This causes deep hurt within children and youth. Maybe we should think a little bit more about the bumper sticker that says, "Have you hugged your kid today?"
Children must have an understanding of who Jesus is. Children are not too young to understand the Bible. They are not too young to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. They understand more than we think they do.
I know some children who have given their lives to Jesus at an early age. Many have been filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues at ages 4, 5, 6, etc.... God wants to touch them, minister to them, and use them for His glory. We must not limit what God desires to do within them.
Be an example to your children. If you are going to share Jesus with them, live the Christian life before them. Don't say one thing and do another. This brings confusion to the child, and can possibly damage their relationship with the Lord.
Take your children to church. Get them involved in Children's Church and other functions. It's good for them to meet other children within their age group.
God is going to use our children. The time that we have with them now, is precious. Enjoy the hours that you spend with your children. Show them the love of Jesus. Once the hours have gone by, you cannot get them back. Do what's in your heart today, and be a blessing to your "kid".
Remember, Jesus does love the little children.