I waited and waited for a little girl like you so when one of my friends told me that your daddy and your mommy were expecting. I knew I had to be a part of one of your lives.
You were born 15 minutes after Valentine's Day. From the day that you were born I knew instantly that I had to take you home. You had a kind face and deep dark glistening eyes and I felt that we connected. I would come often just to visit and waiting impatiently for the day that I could take you home.
On the day before Easter I went to pick you up. I was soo excited. You were coming home. You were very vocal and always let us know what you wanted, not by a bark, but by a noise that sounded like a "HM!". When you wanted to come to sleep, when you wanted to go out the door you made this sound that I still hear now.
You always slept between me and your daddy, making sure that your back was pushed up against mine so you knew if I was still there. If in the middle of the night I needed to get up I would come back in the room and you would be sitting and waiting for me at the edge of the bed. You followed me everywhere and could not sleep unless you were near me. Your favorite past time was pawing at your water bowl after you had dropped a piece of food in the bowl. You acted like a cat pawing at that food, you would end up with a drenched face and wet paws. If I gave you a treat that was round, you would spend you r time flipping the food and playing with it unless it was your favorite, french fries or cheese.
3 days before your birthday we took you and your sister Lacey in to get fixed. I was so nervous and worried. I called 3 times and they hadn't even started surgery yet at 11:00 am. I was so worried about you since you hadn't eaten or drinken anything since 9:00 the night before because that's when you normally go to sleep.
The doctor called and said that you came out of surgery ok but then you had a hard time breathing. I know that you are at the Rainbows Bridge waiting for me. He said that he has never seen anything like this before. He said it was like some sort of allergic reaction.
I miss you so much, I spend my every night waiting for you to push up against me before you slept, to lay on my feet while I'm on the computer, to watch Animal Planet with me. I miss smelling your hair and rubbing my face agianst your back when we are driving and you are resting on my shoulder. I miss your little demands to get up on the bed at night. I miss how no matter where you are when I arrive how you can't run fast enough to get to me. I miss sleeping next to you, holding you, smelling your little puppy breath, playing with you and watching you play with your sister. I have so many photos of you all over the house, and I still can't believe that you are gone. I never got to take a picture of you in your purse that I always carried you in. I miss brushing your hair and watching you lay in the sun.
I still have your favorite pink and green barbell that jingles and I think of you every time I hear a bell jingle. I also have your favorite hippo that you couldn't leave home without. I will never stop loving you and we will be together again when the time comes. Keep having fun at the Rainbows Bridge with all of your friends and know that Mommy, Daddy, Bailey, & Lacey are all thinking of you, and loving you forever and ever. You will always be my little Skoshi baby and I will always hold you in my thoughts, my heart and my dreams. I love you so much I can't believe that you are gone. I love you!