Welcome Yorkie Lovers! Thanks for stopping by. Hope that you enjoyed your stay. Please take a moment to sign the Guestbook if you have not already done so.

Bob Robinson - 12/10/00 20:18:03
My Email:BYORKIE1@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Mitzi
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: gator
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: Top back of the couch
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: us
City, State: Sacramento
Yorkies favorite place to play: living room

We are so sorry for your loss. We now know the heartbreak of losing our little girl. Mitzi passed a week ago today at the young age of 20 months. The hurt is unbelievable!

Bob Robinson - 12/10/00 20:17:54
My Email:BYORKIE1@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Mitzi
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: gator
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: Top back of the couch
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: us
City, State: Sacramento
Yorkies favorite place to play: living room

We are so sorry for your loss. We now know the heartbreak of losing our little girl. Mitzi passed a week ago today at the young age of 20 months. The hurt is unbelievable!

Laurie - 12/06/00 07:26:59
My Email:Lfilly1@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Tawnie
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Stuffed star
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: with me or her bed
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: me her momma
City, State: Toledo OH
Yorkies favorite place to play: in the barn, chasing cats

My beloved Tawnie was lost Nov 13. 2000, she was 14 and 1/2. She was my only child, I watched her be born, nurse, open her eyes, walk, grow and she was in my arms when she died. My life is lonely and sad w/out her, I miss her so much. I am sorry for your oss, I know how you feel, I cry so often when I think of her. I have no children so I lost my only daughter. I only pray God will have mercy on my soul, so we may be together again some day. God Bless and may he bless us all with the love of our special b bies.

Bob Robinson - 11/27/00 08:42:05
My Email:BYORKIE1@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Mitzi
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Gator (stuffed alligator)
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: Top back of the couch
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Mom and Dad (US)
City, State: Sacramento,Ca.
Yorkies favorite place to play: Living room

Mitzi is our bundle of joy, please pray for her with us as she is very ill. Thank you

Kerry Falke - 10/29/00 00:14:38
My Email:Darkrts
Yorkies Names: Bailey
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: mouse
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: living room
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: me
City, State: pt pleasant NJ
Yorkies favorite place to play: kitchen


Kerry Falke - 10/29/00 00:13:10
My Email:Darkrts
Yorkies Names: Bailey
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: mouse
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: living room
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: me
City, State: pt pleasant NJ
Yorkies favorite place to play: kitchen


Kerry Falke - 10/29/00 00:13:01
My Email:Darkrts
Yorkies Names: Bailey
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: mouse
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: living room
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: me
City, State: pt pleasant NJ
Yorkies favorite place to play: kitchen


Cathy - 09/18/00 03:46:56
My Email:luv4yorkies@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Buddy and Brandy
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Anything their not suppose to have
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: where I am at
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Me
City, State: Broken Arrow OK

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your yorkie. I just couldn't imagine my life without mine. Thank you for the information, I didn't know and I'm getting ready to spay my little girl.. Once again thank you.. Brandy and Buddy mama loves you with all of y heart and soul. I want you to live and be happy and healthy. Mama will show you all the love back that you two have shown me. Kisses my four legged little children.

Cathy - 09/18/00 03:46:20
My Email:luv4yorkies@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Buddy and Brandy
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Anything their not suppose to have
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: where I am at
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Me
City, State: Broken Arrow OK

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your yorkie. I just couldn't imagine my life without mine. Thank you for the information, I didn't know and I'm getting ready to spay my little girl.. Once again thank you.. Brandy and Buddy mama love you with all of m heart and soul. I want you to live and be happy and healthy. Mama will show you all the love back that you two have shown me. Kisses my four legged little children.

Debbie Nidel - 07/02/00 17:16:52
My Email:mplsfan@aol.online
Yorkies Names: Teddy
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: A little stuffed mouse
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: In my arms
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: His parents right now...
City, State: Fredericksburg, Va.
Yorkies favorite place to play: In our bedroom.

We recently adopted a 5 month old, 6 lb. 7 oz, Yorkie from some very elderly, not so great breeders. All the others were rescued by the Yorkie Rescue League. Teddy had not been inside a home in his 5 months of life, but has adjusted very well so far. I hve taken him to a vet that I trust and he says he is a healthy puppy, however, he seems a little lethargic to us. Everything checked out normal at the vet. But he did take medication for a tape worm and seems to have been a little less peppy since tak ng that. He is a very light eater and drinker but since we have never had a Yorkie before, I would like your opinion. Thanks for the info on the anesthetics as we plan to have him neutured in about one month. I will be sure to ask what the vet will be using. I would like to know what your personal experiences are with the Yorkie energy level. Of course our little guy as been through a lot of changes in the last week.

rhonda anderson - 06/26/00 16:17:15
My Email:anderr@stlo.smhs.com
Yorkies Names: sadie
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: knotted rope
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: back of couch in front of window
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: wire haired dachsund
City, State: collinsville, illinois
Yorkies favorite place to play: backyard


Midori - 06/04/00 08:37:35
My URL:http://starandstar.virtualave.net/
My Email:micci@mx2.nisiq.net
Yorkies Names: Poppy and Chealsy
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Ball
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: living room
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: human baby
City, State: Japan
Yorkies favorite place to play: living room

I'm sad to know Skoshi died so young. My dog's baby died too.So, I can imagine your feeling. I'm Japanese.So.the name of Skoshi is funny.In fact, Sukoshi is correct... But it's good name!

Shannon Majka - 08/09/99 18:32:54
My Email:Outerbank@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Bailey
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: his little yellow porcupine
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: next to me where ever that may be, he never really leaves my side
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: our cat Blackie
City, State: Spring Grove,Pa
Yorkies favorite place to play: In the garden

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your puppy. I just got my Yorkie about a year ago and I can't imagine how terrible it would be to lose him. I've never really had a puppy of my own so when I got to choose what kind I wanted I knew that I wanted a orkie. Now were inseperable. I take him everywhere, he's my little buddy, and I'm so happy that I found him.

Jezebel & Toni - 07/24/99 21:24:35
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Tumblew999/Macheri.htm
My Email:Tumblew999@aol.com
Yorkies Names: MaCheri Jezebel Chantal
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: teddy bear
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: in mom's lap
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Westie
City, State: Naples, FL USA
Yorkies favorite place to play: with mom

My mom is crying while she reads about your precious. Her baby before me was an 11 yr old Lhasa Apso and she is still grieving almost 2 years later. But she got me, a cute female yorkie and I assist in easing the pain of the loss. We love each other very uch.

Lynn Gilbert - 04/10/99 04:42:51
My Email:
Yorkies Names: "SARAFINA"
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Plush 'wolf' hand puppet
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: back of couch by window
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Labrador and Chesapeak
City, State: Wallace, ID
Yorkies favorite place to play: anywhere with cut grass

My sympathies for the loss of your little Angel. Your pictures and story reminded me much of my "SARA", she also grew up with a labrador buddy, "TOUSER" and has a new buddy "BAILEY" our Chesapeak, He and our "SARA" both smile and grin.Of course she RULES! br>
- 01/12/99 20:45:28


Roe' Carr - 01/12/99 20:43:45
My Email:brcarr@top.monad.net
Yorkies Names: Hashbrown
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Yellow bunny/suck
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: with me on bed
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: 5 yorkies/wife&4kids
City, State: Winchester N.H.
Yorkies favorite place to play: in the field

I just love all my yorkies to bits but even tho Pipsqueek has been with us the longest,I have to admit,Hashbrown is the true meaning of a yorkie even if he does have a long waggy tail, it makes him special,....Keep all the info on the yorkies comming. So sorry for your loss, Try another one It has really helped me after I lost my very first yorkie Max, But I do think my 6 is enough 4 now, I hope all yorkie owners get to read your page thanks Roe'

Roe' Carr - 01/12/99 20:41:30
My Email:brcarr@top.monad.net
Yorkies Names: Hashbrown
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Yellow bunny/suck
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: with me on bed
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: 5 yorkies/wife&4kids
City, State: Winchester N.H.
Yorkies favorite place to play: in the field

I just love all my yorkies to bits but even tho Pipsqueek has been with us the longest,I have to admit,Hashbrown is the true meaning of a yorky even if he does have a long waggy tail, it makes him special,....Keep all the info on the yorkies comming. So sorry for your loss, Try another one It has really helped me after I lost my very first yorky Max, But I do think my 6 is enough 4 now, I hope all yorkie owners get to read your page thanks Roe'

- 01/12/99 20:29:54


Roe' Carr - 01/12/99 20:21:38
My Email:brcarr@top.monad.net
Yorkies Names: Hashbrown
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Yellow bunny/suck
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: with me on bed
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: 5 yorkies/wife&4kids
City, State: Winchester N.H.
Yorkies favorite place to play: in the field

I just love all my yorkies to bits but even tho Pipsqueek has been with us the longest,I have to admit,Hashbrown is the true meaning of a yorky even if he does have a long waggy tail, it makes him special,....Keep all the info on the yorkies comming. thanks Roe'

Liz - 01/06/99 21:22:30
My Email:LizzybetB@prodigy.net
Yorkies Names: Madison
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Tigerr, sheep skin toy
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: bedroom
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: stuffed winnie the pooh tigerr
City, State: CA
Yorkies favorite place to play: Livingroom

Madison(8mos) and I visited your page and were in tears. I can't image the pain of losing your baby. Madison has been with me for only 5 mos. and I have fallen in love. I loved the pictures... be well, god bless , Lizzy and Madison =o)

Judy - 01/02/99 02:53:24
My Email:jaycee39@hotmail.com
Yorkies Names: Max&Weenie
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Hedgehog&Monkeyman
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: sunpatch in foyer
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: daddy!
City, State: Michigan
Yorkies favorite place to play: Front room

My heart is broken for you all! I love to look through all the spice brags but then I find one that catches my heart. What a sweetheart she was!! Judy Max & Weenie

Laurie - 12/12/98 12:45:02
My Email:dogbite33@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Charlie
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: stuff heghog
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: in front of the heating vent
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: his daddy
City, State: michigan
Yorkies favorite place to play: every were

nice webpage

10/04/98 10:58:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jennifer - 09/28/98 03:30:57
My Email:jenfaye@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Merlin
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: squeky soccer ball
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: under my feet
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Daisy (poodle neighbor)
City, State: Lubbock, Tx
Yorkies favorite place to play: outside


Deborah Nielsen - 09/28/98 03:24:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/repti7/Tatianna/index.htm
My Email:Repti7@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Tatianna
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: stuffed dog
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: mom and dads bed of course!
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Ryley......her poodle brother
City, State: Ogden Utah
Yorkies favorite place to play: Tati loves to play in the yard running and jumping. she also loves to play under the chairs which she can walk right under.

thanks so much for your interest to help us all get the best vet care for our babies. your loss helped us be informed about potential dangers. thanks again

Kirsten Simpson - 09/27/98 23:48:37
My Email:Goldfinch5@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Abby
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: HER stuffed animal "teddy bear"
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: Under my Bed
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Kodi A Siberian Husky
City, State: Andover, Ma
Yorkies favorite place to play: On the Sofa or in the yard

I was so sad when I read your letter to your little baby. It was so sad! Abby our Yorkie is a little puppy ---and it just hurts so much to read about other Yorkie babies that have died!

maggie duncan - 09/23/98 17:11:16
My Email:rduncan304@aol.com
Yorkies Names: princess daisy,sir maximo,empress GiGi
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: each other and dolls
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: near mom
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: each other and me
City, State: los banos calif
Yorkies favorite place to play: in the yard

shannon i am deeply moved by youre story of skoshi ,i am so sorry for you ,she is beautiful, i enjoy these pages ,best wishes to you, maggie

Sharon - 09/09/98 06:38:51
My Email:msa1pump@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Baby Amber Sue
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Ruffle Balls & old sock stuffed with a ball
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: where I am at
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: little black poodle
City, State: Shreveport, La.
Yorkies favorite place to play: kitchen while I cook..loves to play socker

I am so sorry to read about your little Yoshie. It breaks my heart to read you letter. Please know she is happy at Rainbow Bridge and still loves you so very much. Bless you.

jean Fritz - 09/08/98 20:43:46
My URL:http://surf.to/prinmar
My Email:Prinmar@worldnet.att.net
Yorkies Names: maggie and her Babies, Star, Pookie, Tarah, Baby Doll, Tootie and Artie
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Ruffle balls
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: my bed
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: another Yorkie
City, State: Garrett Tx
Yorkies favorite place to play: On the Patio

I am so sorry to hear about your baby. I can hardly see the keyboard thru the tears. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and May God Wrap His Loving Arms Around you ad help you thru this trying time.

Linda Bush - 09/08/98 19:40:33
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/7281
My Email:bejaze@home.com
Yorkies Names: Pickie, Three, Martha, Sancy, Hannah, Smiley, Johnnie, Lucy
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Squeaky Carrot
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: My Bed
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Me
City, State: Buena Park, CA
Yorkies favorite place to play: Back Yard

I was so sorry to read about your baby going to the Rainbow Bridge. What a sad thing for you and your family. I read your letter to her with tears in my eyes. Please accept my condolences.

The Tucker's - 08/15/98 21:28:55
My Email:TUCKAT@AOL.com
Yorkies Names: DaisyMae&Kadie D.
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Pigb(squeekie)
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: OUR BED
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: person (us)
City, State: Clearspring, Md.
Yorkies favorite place to play: Yard

Sorry to hear about the loss of your darling little girl.May you find peace of mind and heart knowing that she's in Heaven smiling down at you and loving you as much as ever.

Shannon - 05/26/98 00:41:03
My Email:shannonw@aol.com
Yorkies Names: Lacey
Your Baby's Favorite Yorkie Toy: Her sister Skoshi
Your Yorkies Favorite Place in the house: On the family coffee table
Your Yorkie's Best Friend is a:: Yorkie, same age
City, State: Fresno, CA
Yorkies favorite place to play: Her sisters house in the backyard

This is a great page, glad I came to visit!

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