is saying Hello, and Merry Christmas to the world. We are a small town
in the easy rolling valleys and hills of northwest Cherokee County, Oklahoma.
are only eleven miles from Tahlequah, the Capitol of the Cherokee Nation.
As one would expect, many of our residents are Cherokee, married to Cherokee,
or just by association, adopted much of the Native American, small town,
laid back lifestyle and spirit that is the foundation of our lives.
"Party Line",
Come Chat with us. We have friends online from all over the world.
Please drop us a note,
If you have anything you would like to add, just
Main Street Cafe
locals don't bother with a menu, the special good hot meals of the day
are on the blackboard, and a full meal will cost $3.95, and that isn't
bad in this day and age. If you come around very often, you can pretty
well pick up most of the local topics of conversation around town. Some
locals have been heard, LOUDLY, mentioning what they would like for CHRISTMAS.
Just in case someone "Important" is listening. So, if you aren't
sure that your complete list hasn't been told, Maybe, you should just leave
a copy off at the Cafe.
HERE and
sign our Guest Book
read our Guest Book
Be sure to Come by our Wonderful Library, and see what New things we have to Look at about Christmas. Books, Patterns, Receipts, Decoration ideas, WE got it at our library.
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