
Doubleclick the player above for music.


We hope the your visit is a pleasant one....before you go any farther we need to let you know our few little rules.

#1..No upsets the animals.
#2..No alcohol for the prisoners...please
#3..Please don't open the pens. that thats out of the way...please enjoy yourself...and be sure to tour the rest of the pound while you're here.....especially the nursery!

Cell Block #1



Prisoner: Dogcatcher
Date Impounded:Sept 24,1998.
Prisoner E-Mail:
Prisoner URL: The Dogpound
Charges: Being way too leinient on the prisnors
>Not changing the music often enough


Complaintant: Kira
Complaintants' E-Mail:
Complaintants' URL: Kira's Corner


Prisoner: Linda Aka Mom
Date Impounded:Sept 24,1998.
Prisoner E-Mail:
Prisoner URL: Larente's Homepage
Charges: Being such a great Mom
>And Not makeing Dad get you a car of your own...


Complaintant: Dwes
Complaintants' E-Mail:
Complaintants' URL: NA

To Return to the front desk:

To file charges against someone....go to the:

To visit the Nursery:


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