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Pictures from the 1998 Men's Retreat:
We were greeted by several inches of snow upon arrival at Oak Glen

Everyone greeted each other warmly and eased into the weekend

More greetings

Opening Speaker Cliff Tierney applied the mark of the bondservant to those who would be servants of Jesus Christ

Here is Pastor Gladys Jackson being introduced by Exec Director Bob Pearson

Pastor Gladys tells about Harvest Time

Bob Bixler and David Guyer manned the registration desk as always

Music and Worship was led by Dusty Baker from

We also enjoyed music from Marten (Nick) Thieman including his 'Song I wrote this afternoon'

Emcee for the weekend was Pastor Hampson from Morningstar

Some of the guys from Hillside Church of God in El Cajon

John demonstrates the digital camera to Dan

Pastor Phil Powell filled in admirably on short notice for Garry Christopher

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