Wynn's Folly Miniature Horses
We have been raising American Miniature Horses since 1990 in Central Arkansas.
We are also charter members of the Arkansas Miniature Horse Society, and wanted to share information about both Miniature horses in general and our club news. We are also members of The American Miniature Horse Registry (AMHR) and
the American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA).
A brief explanation of The American Miniature Horse
is always a good place to start.
To provide you more information about the Arkansas Miniature Horse Society, a small group of miniature horse lovers in the state of Arkansas, we have
a membership directory to help you get acquainted with us.
A large group of mini-horse lovers can be found on the net at lilbeginnings.com a great site hosted by the Lil Beginnings Horse Farm. At this site, you will find a forum, a sale board, links to other mini folks, and a comprehensive set of informative pages. We are proud to be longtime sponsors of this site.
Please share our joy in these little equine treasures...
To get an idea of our current horses,visit the herd page, and to see the breeding program we've been working on for over a decade, visit the stallion page and the mare page.
We've added a new feature, a web album page to easily upload and share pictures of the horses, especially the foals from each year. Visit http://wynnsfollymini.myhosting.net/Albums/ for the latest pictures and news!
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