HEY HEY THERE!! Glad you could drop in!! If you were looking for Kellassy Webpages, You've found them.
Here you will find a variety of Webpages that I have made. They vary from the very 1st webpage I had ever made, (about my son and his struggles with disabilities), to Family, Poems, and even my families parrots. I haven't worked on any pages over the past few years, but finally decided to make a menus page to pull them all together and make a few about the family.
I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often. To all my friends which I have acquired over the years online, Please send me your photo so I can add you to the "Friends" section. ~Kellassy~
This website is currently a work in progress so keep checking back for new photos, news and projects. Mouse over icons to see where you will be taken.
Archives will link you to other specials pages that I have made, such as Mother's Day page I made for my mother, and other fun pages. My four "Loves" are my 3 Boys and my new baby girl!*wink*>
Hey guys! Aren't these graphics the BEST!! Please check out the linkage below to Full Moon Graphics. I think that MizKitty does some of the most wonderful graphics online. Hey! Don't forget to sign the guestbook under *Rants*! TY ~Kel~