Buckwheat's Online Journal

It's the first day of spring! Yah! But it snowed to today. Yick. I am sorta ticked off at my penapal in New Zealand. He thinks that patriotic stuff brainwashes kids. What a bunch of bull!

Speaking of bull, my bulls, Lester, Fester, and Chester, are getting really big! Now they consume two bails of hay per day(not each). I can hardly call 'em calves anymore!

Today was a very boring day. I couldn't use the computer much because my mom had t' do her homework on it.

Today=school. B-O-R-I-N-G. The science fair is due on Wednesday. AHHH!!! My goose is cooked. I aint even done with my experiment yet! AHHH!!!

Sorry I couldn't write a journal entry yesterday. It was toooooo hectic! The science fair was today and I had to get ready! (I finished it at school, at morning break) My poster was kind of lousy, because it didn't have much colour or anything like that. You know who won?? The prissy little rich girl Nicole who lives up the street from me! Grrr... It was this big poster, full of cinnamon sticks and cloves and basil and a whole mess'a little, different coloured little tea bag-like things with different spices inside. Her parents probably slipped the judges a couple bills....

Thank god the science fair is over! We wont get our grades for awile so when I do, I'll tell you. I hope I did good, considering it's worth four,count 'em, four, TEST GRADES! It was also a boring day. The first nice day all year, however. Tomarrow it is supposed to be in the 70's!

In New England, where I live, it's just the beginning of spring. So it should be muddy and wet and cold, etc. It's not! I love Èl Niño! Yesterday, it was about 85(26?C) degrees, in the shade! Florida weather. What a laaaaaaaazzzyyy daaaaaaaaaayyyy...

I've got plenty of time to write- April Fools! I have gone under major construction here and I've loads of homework! Catch ya' later!

Last night was my little brother's birthday. I got a penpal last night! Her name is Alexandria (Lexa).

Sorry I haven't written for awhile. Just busy! I got my science fair grades on Friday-- I got a C! I did bad. Next semester, I'll do much better.

Tomarrow a paper about John Quincy Adams is due. Other than that, I've got nothing to do, besides baseball.

I've been very busy creating my Spice Girls' Invasion Page. Any one have any ideas for me?? E-mail 'em.

Sorry no work on my web page lately. I just got a new browser, MicroSoft Internet Explorer 4.0, and I've been having loads of fun with it! I can go to chat rooms and other web sites now! Yea!

Hi! I haven't been updating latley because I lost my book report book last week! I found it yesterday, though. I read it all, it was an okay book. I'll be updating the page more and more, though. Do any of you readers know something cool I can put on my site??

I haven't updated my site for so long because TIAC got bombed or sompin and I had to go off-line for three days. My mom left for Puerto Rico today! She's lucky, she gets a vacation! I'm going to Maine this Friday.

I was in Maine for the last weekend so I haven't been updating. I found lots of new animated gifs, and am thinking of putting up a sound effects page. Here they are:

Nothin really happinin' with me except that I'm looking for a new e-mail provider. I hope I can find one cool!

I'm undergoing Spring Cleaning for my site, and am gonna add a sound effects page. I did get a new e-mail address, it's buckwheat-dc@bigfoot.com. The old one forwards all letters to the new one, so you can write to either!

This will be my last entry. I'm giving up on this dumb journal thingamabob. It's just a waste of my dwindling 6 megabytes that Geocities has given me. This is Buckwheat Clark, signing off.

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