Hello and Welcome to Buckwheat's Guestbook! Please fill it out!

bob, again - 09/07/99 21:17:16
My URL:http://www.rj88.com/Cool%20site/
My Email:thanks
Eye Colour: no
Other Eye Colour: true
How'd ya like my site??: false
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: the capital(oh you bad boy)of mongolia is(shhhhhhh he might here you talking like that)ummmmmm...i don't know!!!!!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: cowville
Do you like spam??: uhhhhhhhh...if you want me to

You have so many cats in this life only one or two will last yer going through all this pain and strife then you turn your back and they're gone so fast, so hold on to the ones who really care in the end they'll be the only ones there when you get old and they start losing their hair can you tell me who will still care, plant a seed plant a kitten plant a rose you can plant any one of those keep planting to find out which one grows its a secret no one knows until you lose your hair but you

uh...bob! - 08/27/99 19:19:20
My URL:http://www.bob_sucks.com
My Email:what ever you'd like
Eye Colour: um...no thanks
Other Eye Colour: noi
How'd ya like my site??: it wasn't the bomb!!!?!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: you don't know...you stupid retard!!!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: me,me,me,me,me!!!
Do you like spam??: oh

bob is good for the soul!!! it's true!!!...hee,hee,hee! YOU SUCK ASS, YOU ASS WIPPING SON OF A FUCKING BASS FUCKING BASTERD SUCKING FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

brenda - 04/30/99 15:53:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/brenda3
My Email:henrychad@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: blue/black white
Other Eye Colour: same
How'd ya like my site??: better then i coulda done i like the music
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: don't know
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: boston thats a city
Do you like spam??: sometimes if the offer is good

hey buckwheat thats a cool site I like the music keep it

Lyn Pehowic - 03/28/99 18:04:23
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/meadows/8557
My Email:none for now
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: white
How'd ya like my site??: interesting
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: a city
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Plymouth
Do you like spam??: yep

You signed my book, I signed yours;-)

don-7 - 03/20/99 05:03:45
My Email:drpj4life@aol.com
Eye Colour: hazal
Other Eye Colour: black,white,red
How'd ya like my site??: it stunk{boring}
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: massachusetts
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: barre
Do you like spam??: no{it tastes sick}

tecnicly it was the most boring site i've ever been t

Beet - 03/15/99 03:38:38
My Email:Beet@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: Uh No?!
Other Eye Colour: Uh 7 I Think?
How'd ya like my site??: Not bad, not bad.
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: )&#^%!�%^&@#&^%!*#@#^%&^#%*(*@&#^%&#%^(&#$^&@^#^$%#%^##&^&^%$#@%$*%&#&%#@#$#?%#@#}{%?#%#&*#^#%%)#(%#&%^#%_#%#&^#&%^^&#&^#&@(*, I think.
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Barre, Duh!!!
Do you like spam??: No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like it, I like it. The music is cool! I'd send a donation but i'm also broke, sorry

Beet - 03/15/99 03:17:43
My Email:Beet@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: Green
How'd ya like my site??: OK.I Guess.
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ????????????????????????
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Barre
Do you like spam??: Um...NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Not bad. It's not good, but it's not bad.

Karin Sagendorph - 02/15/99 19:13:39
My URL:http://www.netamerica.com/~horse
My Email:horse@netamerica.com
Eye Colour: Hazel
How'd ya like my site??: Good
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: mongolia city?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: no

nice page

Caley - 02/06/99 15:40:59
My URL:/Athens/Agora/4469
My Email:Cal_@jokes.com
Eye Colour: purple
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: pretty neat
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: I still don't know
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Salem
Do you like spam??: Never tried iit never going to try it

Hello Buckwheat I just stopped by to see if you were still here. I guess you are. I haven't heard from ya in a while so I thought I'd come check out the site.

John B - 12/20/98 14:15:43
My URL:http://expage.com/page/johnb
My Email:jbeiland@yahoo.com

I'm taking this time to wish all the supporters of my "Play it Safe in Cyberspace" site a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God shower His Blessings upon you and yours. Thank you for your continued support! Warmest Regards, John B.

Ed "Moon" Nachman - 12/19/98 09:06:05
My URL:edmoon.cjb.net
My Email:nachmane@corporate.ge.com
Eye Colour: varies
How'd ya like my site??: I Like
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: I plead the 5th
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: Sure

This is absolutely crazy but I like it.

AJ Mieskolainen - 12/04/98 15:55:24
My URL:http://www.mapped.cjb.net
My Email:mies8646@rowan.edu
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: OK
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Pakistan
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Cambridge
Do you like spam??: no


Please come visit my site!!!

Buckwheat - 10/10/98 10:10:55
My URL:http://youshouldknowbynow.com
My Email:buckwheat-dc@bigfoot.com
Eye Colour: gray
Other Eye Colour: purplish-green
How'd ya like my site??: excellentay
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulan Bator
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Barre!!!!
Do you like spam??: Yuck!

Hi everyone, Buckwheat here. Just checkin' up.

Buckwheat - 10/10/98 10:10:46
My URL:http://youshouldknowbynow.com
My Email:buckwheat-dc@bigfoot.com
Eye Colour: gray
Other Eye Colour: purplish-green
How'd ya like my site??: excellentay
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulan Bator
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Barre!!!!
Do you like spam??: Yuck!

Hi everyone, Buckwheat here. Just checkin' up.

James - 10/07/98 14:29:15
My URL:http://cooljames.cjb.net
My Email:jamesexcite@mailexcite.com
Eye Colour: red
Other Eye Colour: yellow
How'd ya like my site??: very nice
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulaanbaatar
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Wilbraham
Do you like spam??: tastes good

hmmm... interesting

10/04/98 10:57:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jason - 09/12/98 05:41:19
My URL:http://www.nosaj.com
How'd ya like my site??: text based
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ??XX
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: NO

You've found me.

Visit me at NVe.

Barre Fire - 09/03/98 01:04:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1361


flowerbudd - 09/03/98 00:59:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4060
My Email:flowerbudd@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: green
Other Eye Colour: no other eye
How'd ya like my site??: way cool for a barreite
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: spam?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: ya right, i may live here but the whole state is a sewer, esp barre
Do you like spam??: nope

wow a fellow barren citizen like myself, (thought i was the only one clever enough in this God forsaken town to run a puter :) watch out for mr stevens , he might censor this page, its a big conspiracy ya know!

Mojo - 09/01/98 17:37:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Jetty/1641
My Email:Mystery8@aol.com
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: Red
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Quincy
Do you like spam??: no way!

Cool page. I like it. Check out mine if you get a chance.

redrover - 08/11/98 23:52:36
My Email:redrover29@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: baby blue
Other Eye Colour: same
How'd ya like my site??: cooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: who cares
Do you like spam??: no


John B. - 08/09/98 19:28:08
My URL:http://expage.com/page/johnb
My Email:jbeiland@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: still blue smart a**
How'd ya like my site??: very creative..for a squirt *hehe*
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: can I have 52 clues??
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: there ARE NO favorite towns there : \
Do you like spam??: Yea, wanna make something of it?

Hi Dyl, checked out the new Commando site. Liked the pass word set up...very creative. Have a great weekend. My best to the baby elephant. *haha* John :)

Sandy - 07/08/98 19:34:25
My Email:u15992@snet.net
Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: You're site is cool!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: Never tried it.

This site is awesome! And about the spam question. Here in Connecticut, we no one has tried spam.

Minna - 06/29/98 01:08:29
My URL:/RainForest/Canopy/2588

hi! thank u very much for visiting my site & signing my guestbook... i have been thinking about adding an environmental page to my site for a long time, but i haven't been able to gather the information that i nee to start on that project... but when i do & it's up, i'll let you know so you can take a look at my site again... [i wrote a paper during my freshman year in college about the ozone layer, & i was thinking that i might publish that {among other stuff) on one of my pages, but first i have to find it...] well, keep up the good work on your page...

Richard - 06/26/98 22:32:59
My URL:http://www.eclipse.co.uk/~su1410
My Email:su1410@eclipse.co.uk
Eye Colour: Brown
How'd ya like my site??: 10 out of 7

You have a great page. Please stop by and visit my webpage and sign my guestbook. Keep up the good work.

Richard's Home

Caley - 06/25/98 03:11:11
My Email:dewbugg@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: hell if I know
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Salem
Do you like spam??: no it's a fake meat

I guess we can be friends Dillan. Who is the legendary wid ? write soon.

Anastasia - 06/23/98 17:05:55
My URL:/Heartland/Park/1000
My Email:anastaisa11@geocities.com
Eye Colour: Hazel
Other Eye Colour: Green
How'd ya like my site??: Good
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulan Bator
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: I've never had it before...

You have a unique page. Thank you for coming to mine. I'm going to the beach now. Bye!

Anastasia's World

Chas - 06/23/98 16:24:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/7881/
My Email:grilledsalmon@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: shimmering blue
Other Eye Colour: hazy blue
How'd ya like my site??: three stars
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: A place for political leaders
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: No.
Do you like spam??: it's not in the pantry

Give me more time to browse. Maybe you'll hear from again. So far so good. Are you really American? Your spelling is unconvincing. You're a long way from the Queen Mother and all, so speak proper english.

*~Sunora~* - 06/20/98 00:28:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/3494
My Email:sunora@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: dark blue
Other Eye Colour: light blue
How'd ya like my site??: pretty cool...
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulan Bator
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Never been there.... sorry...
Do you like spam??: mmmmm, meat in a can...

How the heck did you know I was looking for a disco ball... thanks for visiting my page and signing my book... As you can see I've returned the favour... great page btw... see you around, take care...

April Kalist - 06/17/98 20:04:59
My Email:Jerkali@worldnet.att.net
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: Blue
How'd ya like my site??: Not as good as Hansons, But its up there.
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Um......I don't care really
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Never been there but Barre sounds cool
Do you like spam??: Ew! sick! No earthly way!!!

Umn.....nice shot gun.....Nice guy.......

April Kalist - 06/17/98 20:03:53
My Email:Jerkali@worldnet.att.net
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: Blue
How'd ya like my site??: Not as good as Hansons, But its up there.
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Um......I don't care really
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Never been there but Barre sounds cool
Do you like spam??: Ew! sick! no


Yerz, - 06/14/98 16:42:26
My Email:ritehere@home
Eye Colour: hazel
Other Eye Colour: lo mismo
How'd ya like my site??: shoestring catch
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Dewlapped Batter
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Wherever the Open Mouth Luncheonette is
Do you like spam??: with raw okra

Finding your site was like trying to get the bus over the landslide; easier if everyone exits and you wonder if the driver has the statue on his dash for luck or inspiration.

Kathy - 06/13/98 17:55:59
My Email:dafyst@uscom.com
Eye Colour: red
Other Eye Colour: bleary
How'd ya like my site??: OK
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: I didn't know this was a quiz
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: none
Do you like spam??: ick

I jumped here from the Allman Bros guestbook. I guess I thought I'd see peaches.

Lil' Bell Shell 2 - 06/13/98 00:35:29
My URL:http://www.none.com
My Email:none@none.com
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: Green
How'd ya like my site??: it stunk
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: purple
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Barre!
Do you like spam??: nah

Yah! Hi Dylan!!!

Wayne - 06/12/98 14:22:17
My URL:http://www.webpan.com/TheLaughin/bear.htm
My Email:humorbear@aol.com
Eye Colour: Tabby teal
Other Eye Colour: bowser brown
How'd ya like my site??: Terrific!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulaanbaatar
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Witch one? Salem?
Do you like spam??: In a blender with Viagra

Happy thoughts to you and a terrific sight as previously stated...please visit me at:

Andrew - 06/12/98 00:31:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/1197/
My Email:broken_teacup@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: Hazel
How'd ya like my site??: hmm, yes tis good
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Massachsetts? Um?
Do you like spam??: no!!!!!! godammit!!!!!!!!

pretty cool site, just returning a favour of u signing my book.

- 06/05/98 07:55:50
My Email:tarair@hotmail.com
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: chicken
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: the bee gees
Do you like spam??: i like to go into spasms.

please explain.

- 06/05/98 07:52:09
My Email:r_r@mailcity.com
Do you like spam??: no

whta is it about.

Adam - 06/04/98 02:53:12
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/7479
Eye Colour: Black
Other Eye Colour: Black
How'd ya like my site??: Interesting

You have an interesting site. I would appreciate it if you would visit the Danger Zone and sign my guestbook.

Kelli - 06/02/98 06:06:14
My Email:07111978@cyberway.com.sg
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: brown???
How'd ya like my site??: hmmm...yup
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: huh?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: lemme think and get bac to ya;)
Do you like spam??: well...no comments


Dawnita - 05/27/98 16:48:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/7952/pioneer.com
My Email:fogleman@ptsi.net
Eye Colour: olive green
Other Eye Colour: They realy are the same!
How'd ya like my site??: KEWL
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Good question...
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Never been there...
Do you like spam??: Yep, on toast with salad spread and american cheese.

Thanks for signing my guestbook. I hope your staying outa trouble with all the web traveling and chatting your doing. I have a question for you though... Do you know Jesus Christ? He's really cool, and I think you'd like Him.

Michelle - 05/25/98 22:07:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1813
My Email:ctracademy@geocities.com
Eye Colour: green
Other Eye Colour: green
How'd ya like my site??: groovy
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: could look it up, but I don't want to.
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: don't have a favorite yet
Do you like spam??: yep

I like your website---I was just coming by to visit since you came by to see mine. Take care...

Caley - 05/23/98 01:27:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4469/
My Email:dewbugg@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: I dont know
How'd ya like my site??: It's alot better than my "Nude Steve Erkel Page". I wonder why?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: The one Buckwheat dosen't live in
Do you like spam??: It's great

Bow before the mighty Buckwheat! He is the one true master, and I am a worthless pile of (RAP!

Sarah - 05/19/98 03:47:02
My Email:lectrochick@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: Why Do You Care?
Other Eye Colour: Maroon
How'd ya like my site??: It's nifty and spiffy
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Uhh Umm
Do you like spam??: I haven't tried it

I love that music and the little boat guy who goes all around. MY QUOTE: He who laughs last, thinks slowest

Caley - 05/15/98 01:37:20

Get your stupid music OFF my site.!

Caley - 05/11/98 22:43:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4469
My Email:dewbugg@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: brown

I am 15.Will you take that music off my page?

Caley - 05/11/98 19:46:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4469
My Email:dewbugg@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: brown
How'd ya like my site??: kewl~!!!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: I don't know?!?1!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Salem
Do you like spam??: NO

Wierd guestbook questions.why?well this is a cool site!

- 05/07/98 12:38:15

hi, it's me Katy, your websites cool! I didn't bother filling in the other details, anyway, are you going to add anything else? I've gotta go, Katy.

Charlene - 05/05/98 13:12:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9969
My Email:rcvidal@mnsi.net
How'd ya like my site??: nice
Do you like spam??: no spam in Canada only klink

Good page. You have done a good job. Have a nice day. Charlene. I am from Canada so I could not answer your ?????

stimp - 05/04/98 01:29:33
My URL:angelfire.com/ne/stimps/
My Email:travis.h@mailcity.com
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: awesome
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: come'on i'wanna lay'ya
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: you spelled favorite wrong
Do you like spam??: i've never tried it

i love your page. mail me so we can get together sometime soon. ohhh yra

jeanette - 05/03/98 23:49:23
My URL:http://www.eaznet.com/~jet
My Email:jet@eaznet.com
How'd ya like my site??: pretty interesting
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: huh
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: again huh
Do you like spam??: no!!!!!!!!!

I enjoyed my visit to your page

jeanette - 05/03/98 23:48:07
My URL:http://www.eaznet.com/~jet
My Email:jet@eaznet.com
How'd ya like my site??: pretty interesting
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: huh
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: again huh
Do you like spam??: no!!!!!!!!!

I enjoyed my visit to your page

Danielle - 04/27/98 00:55:34
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: coooool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ??????
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: never tried it

Hey Buckwheat this is you chatting pal Danielle I went to see the page and it looks great. You should make an envirermental page if you already haven't. Have you heard from Mentor? Anyway I'll be chatting with you!!!!

sam - 04/26/98 15:55:46
My URL:www.angelfire.com/al/Samshomepage/index.html
Eye Colour: brown(i think?)
How'd ya like my site??: its groovy
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: massachusetts sucks!!~
Do you like spam??: I like the song spam not the food!!~

This web page is groovy!!~please cheack out my web page for more groovy stuff!!~

Squirrelman - 04/20/98 18:38:02
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/srl
My Email:s-r-l@usa.net
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: green
How'd ya like my site??: cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulan Bator
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston?
Do you like spam??: Yah

Just stopping by. My site is the Squirrel Rights League. It's the opposite of that darned anti-squirrel page that you signed the guestbook.

Mercedes - 04/20/98 18:31:34
My URL:http://http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/cucumbers/index.html
My Email:msuraty@jefferson.edu.ec
How'd ya like my site??: Great
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ?????????
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you like spam??: ?!?!?!?

Nice work.Visit my page and bring lots of friends to sign my guestbook.

Olaf - 04/19/98 20:14:23
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/O.herzog
My Email:O.herzog@t-online.de
Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: see message
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulan bator


Hello;Das Internet ist ein schönes Spielzeug; ob Schach,Chat,Bilder,Konversation, neue Freunde; It is easy to unterstand all languages with the graffity of the net; GENS UNA SUMUS ; Viele Grüße aus Königsbrück; Really a good ob;

Stephen Riley - 04/18/98 11:16:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/8543/index.html
My Email:steriley228@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: Blue
How'd ya like my site??: Great Stuff
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Who Cares
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: That One
Do you like spam??: No, Its Just A Fake Meat

You told me to visit your site on my guestbook well here i am, thanks for visiting mine and yours is great.

Buckwheat - 04/13/98 11:02:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1801
My Email:buckwheat-dc@mailcity.com
Eye Colour: Bruise purple
Other Eye Colour: Red
How'd ya like my site??: Loved it!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulan Bator
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Barre!
Do you like spam??: Yucky.

Hi, everyone!

Tyger Lily - 04/12/98 07:43:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/6124
My Email:ravensfyre@geocities.com
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: Grey
How'd ya like my site??: Pretty cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Ulaanbaatar
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: Nope!

None -- just going to pages at random and checking them out. :)

Davecat - 04/12/98 02:41:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7241/
My Email:Davecat@Hotmail.com
Eye Colour: white
Other Eye Colour: bloodshot
How'd ya like my site??: s'okay
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Outer?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Beantown
Do you like spam??: you have to be kidding!

thanks for signing my questbook :)

John B. - 04/11/98 00:59:01
My URL:http://expage.com/page/johnb
My Email:jbeiland@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: *haha*
How'd ya like my site??: Great Bucky!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: you got me son : /
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Salem?
Do you like spam??: As a matter of fact, I do

Hello Buckwheat, I was going through some old mail and came across your site. It's been a while so I thought I would stop by. I like the changes you've made very much. I didn't even know that you had linked my site..you never mentioned you did. Thank ou very much. Let me know if you would like to me added to my links also. Have a Happy Easter!! Regards, John B.

Vanessa - 04/09/98 21:56:39
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Dell/3779
My Email:clutzy1@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: its cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ?????
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: boston
Do you like spam??: nope

ok buckwheat i don't know why your pictures won't show up tell me how you do it and i will see what i think ok. so just let me know.

Vanessa - 04/09/98 21:46:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/3779
My Email:clutzy1@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: its cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ?????
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: boston
Do you like spam??: nope

ok buckwheat i don't know why your pictures won't show up tell me how you do it and i will see what i think ok. so just let me know.

Vanessa - 04/09/98 21:44:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/De/


wilson - 04/07/98 01:58:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/lagoon/4431
My Email:wjenkins@supercity.ns.ca
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: red stripe
How'd ya like my site??: It's great.
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ?????????
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: ???????
Do you like spam??: Like Pam better.

Visit my page and feel free to contact me.

Lexa - 04/05/98 10:18:09
My Email:Shainalex@vasia.com
Eye Colour: hazel
How'd ya like my site??: cool!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: ?dunno
Do you like spam??: yes

Hey there Pen-pal So how's life ?¿ pretty cool huh!? well how's Nicole the little rich girl across ur street ?? well gotta go ! Just remember I checked out ur website so don't loose ur cool ... Oldies Music The BEST! Gotta go Bye

Eternity - 04/03/98 10:46:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/3583
Eye Colour: black
Other Eye Colour: purple

Nice page. Although there's a prob. with your page at the moment I was visiting it. Is the graphix broken? But it was nice anyway.

Jim Bob - 03/31/98 20:05:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/stickandjimbob/
My Email:evileyefleagle@mailexcite
Eye Colour: Hazel
How'd ya like my site??: Loved it
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: i don't know
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston....Did you know they filmed the real world there????
Do you like spam??: yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!!....SURE! WANNA SPAM-BURGER? How about SPAM-BURGER HELPER?????

e-mail me and stop by my site soon!

Laurie - 03/31/98 13:40:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Oreo5652/index-3.html
My Email:Oreogirl@cheerful.com
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: green
How'd ya like my site??: it's good
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: I don't care
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: Not really

Your homepage is really good, come see mine and sign the guestbook.

Vanessa Dolphin - 03/31/98 03:40:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/3779
My Email:clutzy1@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: rainbow
How'd ya like my site??: it was cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: i dunno???
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: boston, i guess its the only one that i know of????
Do you like spam??: never tried the stuff and never will just look at it!!!!!

cool page visit mine sometime if you wanna???? :o)

HALEY - 03/31/98 00:29:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/pier/7612
My Email:honey_16_@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: green
Other Eye Colour: green
How'd ya like my site??: pretty nifty
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: beats me!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: none of 'em
Do you like spam??: H___ NO!!!

Hey! Like your site. Thanx for signing my guestbook, although I don't think you wrote anything in it. Keep up the great work! 8^)

Allison - 03/30/98 01:43:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/8335
My Email:ZZZaliZZZ@aol.com
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: brown
How'd ya like my site??: good job
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: huh?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: boston (oops thats a city)
Do you like spam??: yup

Thanks for signing my guestbook, buckwheat! A lot of the pictures that are on the web aren't showing up, did you upload them in file manager on the geocities page? well... tell me if you get it worked out and i'll look at your site again. Good job, and ho did you make a personalized guestbook? I'd like to make one! -Allison-

Angela - 03/29/98 21:38:44
My URL:http://home.switchboard.com/AngelJa
My Email:Angel_Ja@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: Blue
How'd ya like my site??: cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: no clue...but really don't need to know
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Chicopee
Do you like spam??: NOOOOOO

i REALLY LIKED YOUR SITE I HAVE ANOTHER WEB PAGE ALSO http://www.angelfire.com/ca/AngelJa so visit

Retro chic - 03/28/98 00:07:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/retrochic/
My Email:retro_chic_@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: Blue
How'd ya like my site??: Loved It
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: who cares???
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: I dunno?
Do you like spam??: No way Jose!


David (Mog, Shadow, whatever else you want to call me) - 03/26/98 13:54:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Mog_2000/Mog_2000
My Email:shadowmage_4983@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: Brown
Other Eye Colour: Brown
How'd ya like my site??: Cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Less than A more than B
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: What is mass-a-chu-setts???
Do you like spam??: I don't know

You signed my guest book so I signed yours.

Maxam - 03/26/98 08:22:56
My Email:chair@utk.edu
Eye Colour: hazel
How'd ya like my site??: O.K.
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Mongolia is a Province in Asia Major that I am not familiar with
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: I've never been to Mass.
Do you like spam??: Only If it's a Monty Python skit

Rednecks Know nothing of th net. A'yupp

Trish Lester - 03/26/98 01:41:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8415
My Email:odministries@geocities.com
Eye Colour: green
Other Eye Colour: same!
How'd ya like my site??: very good
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: lowell
Do you like spam??: no

Hi! Thanks for signing my book. I sent you email just a minute ago....hope you can answer my question! Again.....God bless! Trish

Tommy Carroll - 03/24/98 23:28:23
My URL:http://Modzer0.dcc.uaf.edu/~fstlc5/Tommy.html
My Email:fstlc5@aurora.alaska.edu
Eye Colour: Brown
Other Eye Colour: Dark green somtimes
How'd ya like my site??: pretty cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: what???
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: haven't been there yet!
Do you like spam??: no

Hey, Nice page! What kind of fishing do you like? I like almost everything, mostly fly fishing. Well talk to you later! Thanks for signing my guest book!

Calvin - 03/24/98 03:43:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4561
My Email:clong@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: Brown
How'd ya like my site??: Nice
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Huh?????
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Leominster
Do you like spam??: What?????

Thanks for viewing my site and signing my guestbook. You can get all the calvin and hobbs animated gifs you want at ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pictures I used to be a trucker and always liked the scenery in Mass.

Adam - 03/22/98 00:45:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/AdamHaney
My Email:geaux_lsu@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: purple
How'd ya like my site??: nifty
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Wait I know this. I think we did this in geography.
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: springfield
Do you like spam??: the meat substitute or the mail?


Erika - 03/21/98 19:52:23
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/serena
My Email:Crest_Kiddo@hotmai.com
Eye Colour: Brown
Other Eye Colour: Uh? Brown?
How'd ya like my site??: Its cool!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Huh?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Hm.. I dunno.
Do you like spam??: Spam? Uh, no.

Hey! I'm Erika.. I'm always open for more and more penpals... So, if ya wanna become penpals , just drop me a note sometime.. I like in Florida and I've got tons of hobbies.. I'll go a little more into detail if and when you e-mail me.. Hope to hear from ou! -Erika (Oh, incase your wondering where the heck I got your page from.. John B.'s guestbook)

Jamie - 03/21/98 16:40:40
My URL:http://members.aol.com/MNgirl1111/index2.html
My Email:MNgirl1111@aol.com
Eye Colour: Blue
Other Eye Colour: I want green eyes!! They rock!
How'd ya like my site??: Its cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Who knows??
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Never been there
Do you like spam??: NO

Your homepage is really neat, I like how you have your guestbook too, its better than most cause it actually says somethin about the person!

Leane Gallant - 03/19/98 17:03:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/9591
My Email:leaneg@kanservu.ca
Eye Colour: green
Other Eye Colour: blue
How'd ya like my site??: wonderful
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: who cares!!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: none!
Do you like spam??: NOPE!

love the page but enough with these questions! eheh! thanks for coming by my site!!

Kat Wyble - 03/19/98 01:30:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/9198
My Email:K-wyble@bigfoot.com
Eye Colour: green
Other Eye Colour: green
How'd ya like my site??: great!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Hell if I know!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: I don't know!
Do you like spam??: No!!

Hello, great page!

~Laverne - 03/18/98 21:40:19
My URL:http://www.dzn.com/~lhindi/
My Email:Lhindi@dzn.com
Eye Colour: Green
Other Eye Colour: None
How'd ya like my site??: Liked it!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Flowers!!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Salem
Do you like spam??: Sometimes


Thanks for signing my guestbook! For you being such a "Newbie," you sure have created a great website and I believe you've got your HTML pretty well mastered. Thanks, I've really enjoyed the visit and please let me know of future updates so that can come and visit again!


Dynamic ADD A LINK & BANNER Link EXXXXchange
~Laverne's Missing American HeroAdopt a POW/MIA!

Paula - 03/18/98 19:04:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/6092
My Email:paulanet@yahoo.com
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: green
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: I don't know
Do you like spam??: What's spam?

Hi I'm Paula. The girl you email. Your page is great. Please visit mine ;-)

Mary Hoggatt - 03/18/98 02:38:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/2186
My Email:Mary43@geocities.com
Eye Colour: Brown
How'd ya like my site??: well put together
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Salem
Do you like spam??: No

You visited my site, thanks, you have a great one.Come back and visit me again.

Eric - 03/18/98 01:53:11
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~blask/
My Email:blask@earthlink.net
Eye Colour: Hazel
Other Eye Colour: What?
How'd ya like my site??: Its good could use some cool graphics!!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: What?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: I don't know.... I'm from cali
Do you like spam??: Never tryed it!

Cool page need some graphix stop bye!! Eric's Attack!!

Lady Skylor - 03/17/98 23:17:57
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/s/k/y/skytigeress.html
My Email:cavwitch@ptialaska.net
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: blonde
How'd ya like my site??: i like your letter...funny
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: clueless
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Salem
Do you like spam??: NO

how did you find my site? Thanks for signing

Tim - 03/17/98 16:37:50


you have a very nice page I really enjoyed the visit here...*later*

John Beiland - 03/17/98 13:54:47
My URL:http://expage.com/page/johnb
My Email:jbeiland@hotmail.com
How'd ya like my site??: Gives out too much info

Hello "Buckwheat", My name is John B. and I have a website that warns people, particularly young people, to be careful on the internet, especially regarding giving out too much personal info about yourself. Please visit the site at the address listed ab ve. Someone anonymously lead me to your site because they were concerned about you and the information (such as home addresses) that you are giving out on your friends. Look at my site and maybe you can think about doing your page a little differently. Just trying to help. Regards, John B.

The Watcher - 03/17/98 12:38:26
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: eulb
How'd ya like my site??: bad
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ??????????????

you are not doing a wise thing putting addresses on here its very dangerous!Go to this site http://expage.com/page/johnb be smart there are lots of wierdos out there!!!!!!!!!

Charlotte Hamner - 03/15/98 23:04:37
My URL:http://home for hamner
My Email:Hamner@webtv.web
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: yellow
How'd ya like my site??: its wierd but unusual
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: huh?
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: i dont know u freak!
Do you like spam??: huh? what? you people r wierd!

oh look! a question that actually makes sense! well i am lookin for a guy or girl that lives in louisiana or maybe just usa! i am a 13/f and i have long light brown hair with yellow eyes and i am 5"3! im short!

Jeremy Clark - 03/08/98 13:06:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/5748
My Email:airman23@mailcity.com
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: none
How'd ya like my site??: very, very cool.
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Maine
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Boston
Do you like spam??: very much so!

Hi cousin. Your site is cool. Pen pals are cool. Even if you don't have any friends you always have pen pals.

Justin Clark - 03/07/98 17:01:41
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: urrr... ga.. dumm...
How'd ya like my site??: cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Timbuktu
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Palmer
Do you like spam??: yea

Uhhh... Like what??

Piglet - 03/03/98 19:51:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/parthenon/2439
My Email:SarahJean@mindless.com
Eye Colour: Brown
Other Eye Colour: Brown
How'd ya like my site??: It was neat
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Mongolia City
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Petersham..in the middle of nowhere.. : )
Do you like spam??: I like the good and simple things, and that's why I like spam!

Dylan, I do think those were the strangest things I've ever seen in a guestbook thing.. oh well, it was fun.. : ) Talk to you later -Sarah

Sharon T. - 03/03/98 08:55:46
My Email:sharontsang@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
How'd ya like my site??: !!!
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: ???!!!!
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: New York

Hi ! Dylan, it 's ME , SHARON .!!!!!!!!

- 02/27/98 03:32:28


Erin - 02/25/98 19:54:25
How'd ya like my site??: o.k
Do you like spam??: don't know


- 02/21/98 21:48:58


mike ricker - 02/21/98 21:16:46
Eye Colour: blue
Other Eye Colour: red
How'd ya like my site??:cool
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: shut up
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: barre
Do you like spam??: yes

write me !!!!!;-\

Buckwheat - 02/21/98 02:51:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1801/
My Email:buckwheat-dc@mailcity.com
Eye Colour: brown
Other Eye Colour: ummm... I froget
How'd ya like my site??: Perfect 10
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Petersham, right??
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: BARRE, duh!!
Do you like spam??: not really

Please, kind people, write to me and give me your penpal info, please!!

Mushroom - 02/20/98 22:47:07
My Email:liefmars@hotmail.com
Eye Colour: plaid
Other Eye Colour: vermillion
How'd ya like my site??: Lovely
What is the Capital of Mongolia??: Inner or Outer??
Favourite Town in Massachusetts: Barre
Do you like spam??: Only on Monty Python

Who is this nut, anyway?

- 02/20/98 02:45:51


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