Did you hear about that guy in America that recently got suspended for wearing
a coke shirt at a 'Pepsi day' where Pepsi was giving the school $500. [He
off his Pepsi shirt to reveal a Coke shirt during the photo session, and
into the photos]
I've got a question: Will America ever allow freedom of expression and
As far as you hating communist countries because of the things you have been
taught about communism. I cannot believe that Americans are still being fed
that propoganda. Communism is not some great evil. Communism made life better
for the average Russian. No, it was not a stable political system. But it
was a
natural path in Russia's evolution. I doubt you could understand that though,
living in a country where freedom of speech is supposed to be important yet
is illegal to be Communist.
In Vietnam, the American government preferred to support an extremely corrupt,
but technically democrative government over a more ethical Communist
government. Why was it their business being there in the first place? America
decided that suddenly it was the Police of the world and everyone must live
according to however America wanted them to.
Communism only came about in places where the previous political system had
serious problems. i.e. Communism was good for these places. It could not
but it was on the way to better things. With America fighting against
Communism, they basically stopped this situation:
1) Country has system that doesn't work for whatever reason (it may be
democratic, totallitarian or whatever)
2) Country either goes to number 3 or skips straight to number 5 depending
on circumstances
3) Country has Communist government.
4) Communist system breaks down in that country
5) Country become democratic.
Basically, Communism was not what was evil. It was America. America truely
stuffed things up. Millions of people died because of America's hate and
of Communism. If America had just kept the hell out, we would have all been
better off.
Cambodia refused to do everything the Americans wanted (no, it was not
communist), so America sent troops in their, started butchering civilians,
bombed the hell out of the place, and set up a situation which allowed a
guy to
come in (Pol Pott) and do something that caused the deaths of millions of
people, and plunged a country back into the stone age. America has been the
cause of so much death and disaster in the world.
Of course, you cannot say this. You cannot say that "Well Communism isn't
*that* bad. It's not ideal, but if we just leave things alone, things will
themselves out". Oh no. You must hate Communism. For anyone who supports
must be an anti-Christ. America has spoken.
[p.s. 1: I would like it if you could show this email to other
Americans. Maybe your family, teachers, friends etc. It is intended to make
think about the things I have outlined, and provoke a reaction. Try to be
open minded about it as possible, I realise some of my points may challenge
things you have believed for a long time. If anyone has an interesting
response, please could you send it to me.]
[p.s. 2: No, don't even think that I've been brainwashed by
anti-American lies. I have seen the facts and made up my own mind. I suggest
you do the same.]
[p.s. 3: Doesn't America's reaction to Communism sound a lot like
things Hitler used to say in regard to other things?]
© 1997 buckwheat-dc@mailcity.com