Welcome! You can call me Buckwheat. I will call myself Buckwheat also purely
for securety reasons. (Actually no, It's just my member name for pretty much every where I travel on the net, so if you find places that say "buckwheat," "buckwheat-dc,'" buckwheat-c," and so on,
you'll prob'ly find one of my sites there).

You'll find in my site,(if I can get this thing to work), tons of links
to my favourite
sites, you can get a penpal, some funny things, some interesting things, some dumb things, a online magazine!, a report about John Quincy Adams that you can copy(!), some funny stuff about the Spice Girls, some free things, you can send an e-mail omelette to somebody, and more coming soon! I just need to think about what I'm going to do first...
I've won an award!!! Here it is:

Do you like it??

Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a
Starting Point Hot Site or you will die very slowly in a pit after twelve hours of horrible torture! So please vote.
Good. Bet that guy wish he voted for me. He he he...
Now, one of my penpals thinks that the music on my front page is annoying. Now, I think it sounds cool. What do you people think?? E-mail me!

Yea! Now the dudes at Geocities give us homesteaders 11 megabytes for our homepages!! Good, cauz I was almost up with my 6. Anyone ever played the computer game Risk?? Now, here are some of the coolest generals:

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Links to other sites on the Web
The Penpal Lists!
About Me
Win My Awards
My Online Journal!
My Vast Link Library!
See the Guestbook
Fraggle's view of America
My Penpals
Buckwheat's Own Chat Room!
Free Stuff!--Under Construction
My Midis and Sounds
My Friends' Web Sites
My Other Web Sites
John Quincy Adams
Send an e-mail omelette!
Some Very Important Advice
My Stick Figure Web Ring HQ
Spice Girls Invading!
History of my home town!
'Covert Destruction' by me!
Bomb Tulsa Society(Anti-Hanson)
Goldeneye 007!
WarCraft I & II!
My Zelda site!
I am a proud member of 
You sign my guestbook, I sign yours!
Sign Buckwheat's Guestbook!
Geocities claims
Weary Internet Adventurers Visited!
Bravenet claims
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Who do you believe??
I have my very own webring!
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This web site is the coolest web site in the world. Tell your friends! It's true! Know a better one?? Tell me. But I wont believe you! LOL!
© 1997 buckwheat-dc@bigfoot.com
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