
My Personal Collection

Please note that most of these models are not for sale.

My collection consists of three types of models: OF Breyers and Peter Stone Models--mostly old Lady Phases and appaloosas/ POAs; Vintage Tradtitional size customs including warmbloods and some action poses like jumping and rearing; and more currently a collection of minis that I have painted.

In this gallery you'll see my mini collection.

I enjoy showing models that I created, so that when I win a ribbon I can say to myself "I did that!" If you have painted a model yourself and shown it, you know the feeling. If you haven't yet painted a model horse, I'd recommend it!

This paint stud, Dun Paintin', was a complete CM from the Breyer Old Mold Cytation. He was one in airbrush and acrylics in approximately 2001.


paint model horse

paint mini model horse


40 Acres is a mule john from the AA Mule mold. He had been broken. I took him off the base (that is how he broke in the first place). Airbrushed in approximatley 2001.


mini model mule

All About Bob took me years to finish--that's why he is here and not on my sales list. I fashioned him after the Breyer Classic Shire. He is shod and has bob made of stick pins (the kind you use for sewing). He is a CM from the Stablemate Drafter paintid in airbrush and acrylics in 2006.

draft horse model horse

April is an HR mold.She is one of my very few handpainted models. She was painted in acrylics in about 1997.

HR Model Horse


This bay QH is from the Stablemate stock horse mold. It is painted in pastels with acrylic details.2004 or so.


Quarter Horse Model Horse

Fjord Tough is a little airbrushed fjord with pencil details. Completed in about 2000 from the Stablemate pony mold.

Fjord Model Horse


Georgianna is posed to be chasing her mother. Airbrushed with acrylics in about 2000-2001.

Appaloosa Model Horse

Henrietta is the mare to the above filly.I like to show her in games classes and over fences.

Appaloosa Mare Model Horse


A hanoverian painted in airbrush and colored pencils. CMed from the Breyer Stablemate Warmblood.



Warmblood Model Horse


Ghost Town Cowgirl is a QH mare form the Stablemate Stock Horse mold. She is CMed and airbrushed. Approximately 2001.

Quater Horse Mare


Jasmine's Song is a stallion CMed from the old mold thoroughbred mare model. He is painted with the markings and color of a mare I leased in San Diego in 1998.


Hanoverian Model Horse
This is a hand cast model from one of my first original sculptures. She looks like a WB/Arabian Cross or maybe a Draft/Arabian cross. Airbrushed in 1999 or so.
Model Horse Filly Sculpture

Mama is eating and baby is sleeping--exactly what you see if you take a bike ride around town here in Eagle, Idaho. From the Stablemate set of the running foal and Stock Horse Mold, both Stablemates. Pastels with a touch of paint. 2006.

Mare and Foal Minis

Quarter Horse Minis

One of my first micro mini horses. He is a CM from a pewter Dungeons and Dragons type Pegasus. He is airbrushed with acrilic details. I show him as a Welsh pony. Approximately 1997.

Pony Micro Mini

Don't laugh -- this guy is vintage! He is a Standarbred CMed from the Stablemate Seabiscuit mold. He was one of my first Mini Drastic Customs back when I was using Gapoxio in 1995.

Ricky Ricardo was a pleasant surprise. I painted him just to sell, then ended up showing him in 2004. He NANed in Performance and I decided to keep him. Thank you Becky Yeager for LSQ SM tack that helped him win!
Warmblood Model Horse


I love this horse so much! What other mold (HR Drafter) comes with a bridle so you don't have to tack up a mini. How great is that? I made two of these Haflinger mares, but sold #2 to a friend. Her name is Sunshine. I did her in airbrush and acrylics a long long time ago.

Haflionger Model Horse
This little WB filly is a resin. I forgot who sculpted her. I made a few tiny edits to get her how I wanted then painted her in acrylics back in the late 1990's (I think).
Resin Filly
Friesian Mare, Night Moon, customized from Breyer Stablemate thoroughbred mare in 1999.
Friesian Model Horse
Nathan, a handcast Stablemate scale model, cast from Gacpoxio pressed into a mold. Ten or so models made.
Foal Sculpture
A Quarter Horse Arabian Cross Mare from the Arabian Stallion Stablemate model. 1997.
Mare Model Horse
Highlander Pony from an HR mold. Airbrushed and handpainted.
Pony Model

This is the first cast of my Frequent Flyer resin. He is cast by hand from epoxy with wires in his legs. After this model, I resculpted the mane and had the other models cast.

The Eh Capa Bareback Riders are a Boise, Idaho tradition. This group of young equestrians put on a wonderful show of horsemanship without saddles or bridles."They control their mounts with leg cues, their voices, and a one-inch wide leather strap around the horseÕs neck known as a Òtack rein... The Eh Capa Bareback Riders were created in 1956 as an inexpensive way for children to ride and enjoy their horses."

Quote from ehcapa.com

Eh Capa Model Horse