Young Adult Fiction |
Raised without a television, I was an avid reader throughout my teens. My writing reflects my love of young adult fiction and, more recently, novels in verse.Visit my novels in verse website here. |
I am a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). www.scbwi.org and Romance Writers of America www.rwanational.org |
Big Panties and Other Parachutes30,000 words and complete A Young Adult Novel in Verse Stuck on summer vacation in September, Marcie Foster tries to make the most of it, but ends up making a mistake so dreadful she can�t even tell her best friend. An excerpt of Big Panties placed second in the Children's/YA devision of the 77th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition. The contest had 17,000 entries. My name is in the November 2008 issue of Writer's Digest!
Angel BlindA high school novel for tweens and young teens that placed 6th in the New England RWA Chapter's "First Kiss" contest in 2007. This was a nice surprise because there were no contest categories and this sweet novel placed against all types of romances. 40,000 words and complete Runaway LiesA novel for tween readers 40,000 words and complete In Runaway Lies, BRENDA juggles her complex life as a seventh
grader with the stress of always hiding her true identity as an underage
fugitive from foster care. A Kiss in Paris43,300 words and complete A Young Adult Novel Chosen as a finalist in the 2006 Launching a STAR Contest held by the Spacecoast Authors of Romance, a Florida RWA chapter. Also placed third in the PASIC "Book of the Heart" contest in 2007. Sixteen-year-old Bernice Bartholomew has a list of ten things to do in
Paris on her class trip. One of those things proves harder to do than
the rest. Will she ever get kissed in Paris? An Oliver Twist2,000 words and complete A Short Story Chosen as an honorable mention in the Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition in the 2007 Children's and YA Fiction Category. Seventh grader, Sparrow, wants to lease her very own pony. But the pony isn't quite what she had been daydreaming about. Megan's ValentineAbout 800 words A Short Story for Young Readers Won first place in the Friends of the Kuna Library contest (Children's story by an adult author) and will be published in Creek Kids in May 2009. Also will be appearing in Stories for Children Magazine in February of 2009. It's free. Check it out! A new girl joins Megan's third-grade class on Valentine's Day. Megan realizes the new girl doesn't have any Valentines and solves the problem. Jilly Lost and FoundAbout 800 words A Short Story for Young Readers Won an honorable mention in the Friends of the Kuna Library contest (Children's story by an adult author) and will be published in Creek Kids in May 2009. Jilly gets lost during a fire drill on her first day of first grade. Suki, Zipper and the Irish SetterAbout 600 words A Short Story for Young Readers Will be appearing in Stories for Children Magazine in March of 2009. It's free. Check it out! A true story about my cat, Suki, and my Boston terrier, Zipper, and what happened when the Irish setter moved in up the street--from my days on Berryman Drive. |