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     My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl but somehow it didn't stick with me. After her death, I finally taught myself how to crochet when I was in jr. high school and have been crocheting on and off ever since along with doing other crafts such as knitting, sewing, cross-stitch, plastic canvas, etc. I stumbled across the MoEZ information a few months ago while searching for some patterns and have just started making some afghans the MoEZ way. After having a hard drive crash on my computer, I thought I would create some web pages with all the helpful information and links that I have managed to accumulate so far before I lose it all again and then have to go on another search mission to try to replace what was lost! *L*
     For those new to crocheting, an afghan hook looks like a long crochet hook with some kind of knob or stopper on the end of it which prevents the stitches from slipping off. You could also think of it as a long knitting needle with a hook on one end of it and a knob or stopper on the other end. The afghan stitch (a.k.a. the Tunisian stitch) makes a grid-like pattern which makes it perfect for doing cross-stitch embroidery on it. You can also use almost any graph as your pattern and work the pattern in color while crocheting rather than having to cross-stitch it in afterwards so it will save you some time and effort!
     CrochenitTM combines knitting and crocheting by using a knitting needle/crochet hook with a hook on each end.

About MoEZ

     MoEZ is a way to crochet the afghan stitch (a.k.a. the Tunisian stitch) using hooks that are larger than your typical afghan stitch hook. According to some people, it will takes less time and less yarn to make your projects using the MoEZ hooks due to the hook sizes. The MoEZ hooks are handcrafted solid wood hooks that are very smooth. You can order the MoEZ hooks from Monte Grimm. You can also try making your own if you are so inclined by following the instructions at Dave's Serendipity Crochet site.
     The hooks can be used to make afghans from any simple cross-stitch or graph pattern. The hooks are color-coded, are available in 6 different sizes and in 2 different lengths: 9 inches for smaller projects and finishing work or 18 inches for making afghans. The smallest diameter is approx. the size of an "L" afghan hook. The red hook seems to be the most popular one from what I've been told. For more information and hints about hooks, please read the next page.
MoEZ Hooks
Green = 5/16th" (8mm)
Black = 3/8th" (9.5mm)
Red = 7/16th" (11.1mm)
Yellow = 1/2" (12.7mm)
"Super" Blue = 5/8" (15.9mm)
"Super" Orange = 3/4" (19mm)

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Created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn") as of 10 July 2002.
Updated as of 28 July 2002.