Eschatology Links Page
Eschatology is the study of end times. In this instance, it's specifically relating to how the use of the term "the end" or "last days" is used in the Bible. I've been a Christian all my life, but this is a challenging new study that I've only become aware of in the last couple of years. I say challenging because it calls us to take a look at our traditional beliefs and find out if they have any factual basis found in the scripture. It's also been challenging to me because the way this study has caused me to view the Word of God has changed my life forever. It's for the better, but not without some serious physical sacrifices. But, when it comes right down to it, if you're a Christian you accept the true Word no matter what the consequences. That's a path I'm proud to say I have taken. I am by no means an expert on this subject and definitely not on the Bible as a whole. You could spend 24 hours a day studying the Bible and still go to your grave without the full knowledge of the scripture. We can only hope to learn as much as we can from diligent study with an open heart and mind. With that said, I leave you to these links. There is a wealth of information at these sites that I could not begin to touch on this web page. If this is an important part of your life as it is mine, please take the time to examine some of these ideas. View them in their most critical sense and decide if they have any merit. I think you will find it will be as challenging to you as it has been for me. While I'm not an expert, I am more than willing to answer any questions that you might have on this subject. I held firm to my traditional beliefs for 23 years and even for quite some time after beginning this study. I hope that gives me an insight that will enable me to speak with compassion and understanding to anyone struggling with the traditional views of the Bible that the Church teaches today. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me anytime. - Living Presence Ministries - Eschatology topics - - Kingdom Publications (if you get serious, here's where to buy your books!)