This is my personal homepage. A place for me to just have fun on the internet. I use the internet everyday in my business so it's nice to be able to have a place to just clown around. Below is a picture of my wife and I. I plan on listing things of general interest to myself on this page. There are some links below to things that I have an interest in. Don't be afraid to contact me to say "hi". Thanks for stopping by my webpage. I hope you enjoy what you find here.
Our Toy Fox
Terriers (Cozmo and Bimmer)
(what do you think the dog is named after?)
My reef tank
Louisville Basketball
baseball team
Eschatology (if you don't know what that means, why don't
you come and find out!)
Send me an email
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[Jason Lile] by using this You can visit my Personal ICQ Page, if it's activated. You can also
search the Web using this panel, and contact me from this Web site directly to my ICQ
client. |