There are many of us who have switched our PF dogs over to a Fish and Potato dog food for reasons of giving the dog's system an easy diet to digest. Some of us have dogs who are suffering from food allergies besides having PFs so the F&P diet offers the dog nutrition without ingredients that dogs can be allergic to. It is extremely important to watch the PF dog for any signs of straining while having bowel movements since this may cause bleeding and other damage to the already traumatized area.
Putting Metamucil over the dog's food with lots and lots of water has proven to be very effective in helping PF dogs pass stool. It causes the stool to have an elasticity that keeps the stool formed but flexible. Hard stools or constipation causes the dog to strain and this puts pressure on the PFs.
Some have added Slippery Red Elm Bark to their dog's diet to help soothe the irritated digestive system.
Treats that can be given to PF dogs are grapes, pieces of apple, rice cakes, raw carrots, and a few pieces of unsalted/unbuttered popcorn.
This idea was from a vet at Purdue - If the diet is a dry food, grind it in the blender, add a little water, roll it out and cut shapes. Then either put it in a food dehydrator or bake it in the oven on lowest temp just long enough to make it crunchy. If the food is moist or canned, just form it and do the same. I'm sure there are natural herbs you could add to change the flavor a little.
Remember if you go the route of homeopathic and use herbs and vitamins that these are still medicinal and should be used with caution. Consult your Vet or find a Vet who specializes in homeopathic medicine.
Here are 4 Homecooked Recipes for PF dogs (Thanks to Carol P. & Julio Child for sharing your recipes!!)
Julio's Homemade Chicken Soup/Stew
More recipes can be found here on Carol Kufner's Doggie Recipes website
Copyright 1999 DJ Hensch
Last updated October10, 1999
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