Dogs Who Are 6 Months (or more) in PF Remission.

The following is a list of the dogs we know who have been diagnosed with Perianal Fistulas (PFs), the date they were diagnosed and the date the dog was pronounced to be in "PF Remission!"

Here's living proof that there is hope for dogs currently fighting PFs. Every PF dog owner's goal is to put his or her dog into remission, always remembering there is no known cause or cure at this time.


Kinderheim's Kandi-Ana Angel


Diagnosed with PF in October 1993.

Declared PF-free in September 1994.

The fistulas have never returned.


DJ's Keepsake Apache Dream


Diagnosed with PFs in February 1997

Teddy has been PF-free since June 9, 1997


Romulous Kipring of Pine Brook


Diagnosed with PFs April 3, 1998

PF-free as of October 23, 1998.


Julio I. Pflughoeft


Diagnosed 2/98

Declared fistula free 8/98

Reoccurance of PFs 1/25/00. Treatment resumes.

Possibly triggered by Rabies vaccination given on 12/30/99.


Falkrigia Caprice of Hazrich UD, CGC


Diagnosed 1/13/95

Declared PF-Free 6/23/95 (Re-examined 3/24/99 & still PF-Free)


Oxford von Weiss Blau, SchH1 TRK2

"OX", SchH 1

Diagnosed September 1998

Pronounced PF-Free late October. 1998


Grinzing's Only Sweet Pickle CDX, HCT, CGC, TT


Diagnosed December 1994

May 1997 declared PF free



Diagnosed with PFs September, 1998

PF-free as of 10/28/98.


Lewistraum's Fly by Night


Diagnosed with PFs February 1996

PF-free as of February 1996.


Ajax von Ebba


Diagnosed with PFs June 23, 1998

PF-free as of August 19,1998.



Diagnosed with PFs December 31, 1989

PF-free as of February 1999.



Diagnosed with PFs in January 1999

PF-free as of June of 1999


"DJ's Keepsake April Promises"


Diagnosed with PFs October 28, 1997

PF-free as of March 29, 1999



Diagnosed with PF in June of 1998.

Declared PF-free as of December 16,1998



Copyright 1999 DJ Hensch

Last updated February 5, 2000

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