Hiking and Backpacking


The Year 2006 Volunteer Vacation Schedule
There are still work hikes available for this year.

The campsite for a Volunteer Vacation that I took in 1991 on an old fire road at apx. 6000 feet at Mt. Roan, North Carolina. What a view every morning! Check out the link shown above for a GREAT way to help with the upkeep of hiking trails in our National Parks, plus an inexpensive outdoor vacation!
Another volunteer vacation that I went on was in 1992 at Isle Royale National Park which is in upper Lake Superior.

Doesn't the view say it all!!! The view left is from the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. The falls in the right picture are just down the trail from Dennis Cove,Tennessee.

Click here for some pics of NOT "touristy" Florida.


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