Their Royal Highnesses

Miss Muffet and Calico Sue
(a rare moment of being next to each other).


Miss Muffet, Orion's Belt and Moon Shadow.

<bgsound src="memory2.mid" loop=infinite>
You are listening to Memory from the musical "Cats" by Andrew Lloyd Weber, based on the writings of T.S.Elliot

We first moved to Florida with what I grew up calling a 'calico'. Calico Sue (Callie), was 16 years old in August 2000, she was my buddy, my pal, and my arthritic "little old lady". I say was as she died in December 2000, after arthritis and kidney problems caught up with her and she just said, enough. I miss her greatly for whatever room I was in, she was there either beside me or in my lap. Every night when I went to bed, pretty soon here she'd come. She'd circle my head a couple times then she would settle down on the pillow beside me.

Miss Muffet (Missy) is a short haired calico and is 14 years old. She was a stray we found at church that no one claimed. The vet figured her to be about 2-3 months old at that time. I told Danielle that if Missy and Callie didn't get along after a week Missy would have to go, lot of good that threat did. She definetely believes that she rules the house. But at her age that's ok.

In July 2002 siblings Orion's Belt (Orie) and Moon Shadow (Mooner)joined our family and immediatley Orie became king of the house and Mooner spends her days with Danielle. They are LARGE cats but we love them anyway, even if Orion harasses Missy constantly.
My beloved "boy" Orie had to be put to sleep this week, August 2006. He was only four years old, onery, inquisative, center of attention, BIG, and as much as you can with a cat, he was my boy. He became very ill quite suddenly and had to be put to sleep. I do miss him.

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