Welcome to

Samuel, Scarlet & Timothy's Home

** This homepage has been remodified in Jan 2002 **

We just spent our 3rd anniversary
in Hokkaido on Dec 2001....very cold!

Our first baby boy, Timothy, is now 20 months old.

This homepage is set up for
all friends and visitors to share our happiness
in our new family.
Take your time to enjoy this homepage,
it worths to wait for the pictures to download.

Now you can also download the new Tim2002 calendar! (443 KB)

| Baby's Album 1 | Baby's Album 2 | Baby's Album 3 | Baby's Album 4 |

Baby's Album 5 | Baby's Album 6 | Baby's Album 7 | Baby's Album 8 |

| Love Story | Our Profiles | Gallery | US Wedding | HK Wedding | Honeymoon | Guestbook | View Guestbook |