
April 14, 1996
Dear Stanley,
I read your latest post on Jewishgen. I just wanted you to know that you are
my inspiration. When my grandchild Henry was born with Fanconi Anemia which
is a deadly genetic mutation, I made a vow that I would leave no stone
unturned until I found everyone at risk. The disease is caused by any of
five different genes, each one related to a different ethnic type and the
Ashkenazi Jewish variety makes up about 15% of the total cases. The Jewish
gene is the only one with a marker and is detectable at 10 weeks into a
pregnancy at which point the pregnancy can be terminated. One of every 89
Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier. There are only 275 diagnosed case in this
country and 200 in the rest of the world.
As of this moment we have tracked the gene to my paternal grandfather and are
in the process of testing for carriers in that family. We are lucky that the
family has a very uncommon name "Zwetschkenbaum" and that they are all
related and come from a very small area in Galicia--the town of Kolbuszowa
and Majdan Krolewski which is almost a suburb. My daughter-in-law's
ancestors also come from the same area so we are well on the way to finding
what we need to find.
Your success has increased my own determination and I wish to congratulate
and thank you because not only are you helping your own family but trail
blazing in a very crucial area. Your last posting gave me ideas for what I
can do as soon as the next few tests are over.
Thanks again.
Phyllis Goldberg
See Henry's Home page at http://www.hsg.org/
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Stanley M. Diamond. All rights reserved.
Date revised: August 03, 2004