
you anemic? Could your family be
unsuspecting carriers of the beta-thalassemia genetic trait?
Knowing about the
beta-thalassemia genetic trait may be vital to someone you know.
For years, thalassemia, or Cooley's anemia, was thought to
affect only Greek, Italian, Asian, and Sephardic Jewish families. In
recent years, it became clear that Ashkenazic Jews also carry the trait
and could be at risk for the fatal disease.
There is
a one in four chance that the offspring of two carriers will inherit
thalassemia disease (thalassemia major), which -- until quite recently
-- was always fatal by early adulthood.
is a one in four chance that the offspring of two carriers will inherit
thalassemia disease (thalassemia major), which -- until quite recently
-- was always fatal by early adulthood. It rremains a deadly disease.
With the growing rate of intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews, as
well as the increased frequency of Ashkenazic-Sephardic marriages,
there is an ever-increasing risk of this devastating disease occurring
in an unaware Ashkenazic population. |
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by Stanley M. Diamond.
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revised: March 13, 2009