These are some of my "pic" handles...Who I am currently online in chathouse...*L* Believe it or not...*Snort!*

Ok. *S* Those of you that know me fairly well will be surprised a bit by some of these pictures..*L* I have recently started using them as pic handles in the chathouse...the Wild West Wing where I can normally be found goofing off and horsing around with my friends. *BAG* I decided to spice things up a bit and chose to do so by putting up pics that seem to bring some guys into the rooms in droves at times.*L* It has been very interesting and a hoot. *ggl* For that reason...I decided to let everyone know exactly who is behind these pictures. Me. *S* I hope no one is dissapointed...but if so..sorry. *G* I am who I am.

This was my very first one. *G* I've evolved a bit since then...*L*

This of course is a favorite of mine. *BG* Gee, I wonder why? *EG*

This one is the smallest and funniest..The handle..Borrowed Trenchcoat *L* is an inside joke..Honey still tries to get his coat back. *ggl* ain't happening! *LOL*

This is me of course..*L* I use this one to show that I am and always will be a "Sweet Southern Girl". *BG* shows does it not? *ggl*

This is a fairly new one. Sherilynn Fenn is a pretty lady...if she ever sees this...Thanks. *G* Just call me Auburn Belle. *BG* I like this one and use it often now.

This is a good one. *EG* I was honestly BornBlonde, but try and tell somebody that nowadays and you get picked on. *LOL* Duh! *ggl*

This one is brand new. *BAG* I like it alot...but goodness...the lines I get in PM. *L* No thank you I'm NOT INTERESTED!. *LMAO* But...ICY HOT is my nature..ask hubby. *Snort!*

Now...this one is what I am told some guys think I am...Well? Quit pm ming me and I'll be nice. I don't do it to you..and the Ice Princess doesn't like it done to her. Blonde but not interested. *L* Get it?!?

Ok...RG and ST fixed this one for me..*L* I love it! Looks great now! I think I'll be using it fairly often....what'cha think? *ggl* Thanks you two! *HUGZHUGS!!!!*

There. What'cha think? Sign my Guest Book back off the front porchand tell me all about it.*L* If you dare. *EG*